talking with temmie and, sans' secrets. # edited

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You wake up screaming, and crying your eyes out.

Afew temmies are looking at you, fear in their eyes. You curl up at their conserned stairs, crying.

“hOoman….. OkaY?” A temmie asks.

“HOoMan hAs bEen sCReAmInG anD cRYinG foR LoNg tIMe…” another one says.

You hold a finger up, asking for a minute to calm yourself. You continue crying for afew minutes, getting better as time goes on, eventually your fit is reduced to hiccups, but at least you can speak… mostly.

“HoOMan oK nOw?” a temmie asks.

You nod.

“just a REALLY bad dream.” You say with a hourse voice, not wanting to get into it.

“wHAt hAppeNEd?” They ask, your face droops.

“i dun wanna talk ‘bout it.” You answer.

You try to stand but it only fills your head with dizziness and the feeling of repeatedly being slammed head first into concrete- this, along with your vision blacking out for a few moments. You stumble but refuse to fall, the temmies look at you with worry.

“TemMIe tHinK hOOMan SHouLd laY for SoME tIME.” the temmies have a strange way of speaking- not including the bad grammar and third person, it's high pitched and wavering from normal to yelling, it… kinda hurts your head.

“c-can… you be… quieter? Or at least choose if your yelling or not?” You say rubbing your head.

“Oh...SOrry…” they say only lowering their louder volume abit while talking in a whisper when their voice reaches its quietest.

“th-thanks…” you say- slightly annoyed.

“me tem think you should all be quiet…” a temmie speaks in a more normal volume, this one nods to you, then smiles.

“im temmie, shopkeep of tem village! Oh- quiet- sowee…” they speak.

“Tem have hooman sized bed, hooman can sleep in it.” You smile at them.

“oh- what hooman name?” You freeze, should you give them your real name? What if they tell someone.

“im… ryu. My name is ryu.” You say.

“OOH! cool tem like dat name!” the temmie exclaims, eyes closed.


“How bout i call you… sam? Like sammy, you know, so i dont mix you up?” you ask- pretending your not in pain.

Heh... Its whatever...

The temmies eyes widen.

“sam? Tem sam now? WOW tem exited! Tem haves new name! Ah- sam! Sam haves NAME!” Sam bounces around excitedly, making you smile.

After settling down, tem remembers that you should be put to bed.

"OH- sick hooman! Te- sam forgots..." With this, sam brings you to the bed they spoke of.

“hey, sammy?” you ask.

“Yes ryu?”

“can you promise me something?”

Sam looks up at you, “mhm!” They hum.

“never tell anyone im here… im… well… on the run? Not because i did anything bad- i was on a journey and, i… well, they wanted me to stay i guess…” you sigh.

“what jurney??” Sammy asks inquisitively.

“you know the barrier?” You gathered temmie was a little... What- naive? Heh... Then again- who knows- maybe theyl end up like pap- only pretending to be naive...

“Uhuh! Temm- er sammy know abouts barrier! King asgore has all but one soul to break barrier! Are yous gonna help get last soul?” sam asks.

You nod, smiling warmly at them, crying on the inside.


“oh- tem-sam hasses bed time!” sam bounses in realization.

“Hehe… don't you mean, bed tem?” you chuckle, before remembering sans and choking, trying not to start crying.

He... Woulda liked that one...


“oh, im sorry, do you not like puns?” you ask laughing- hiding the fact you feel like crying.

Sam shakes their head, “no! Short skelly scare tem…”

“huh? Why?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.

“skelly always had mopey smile, totally fake, always angry, an….. Skelley once in… royal scien… but only tem remember!” sam yells partly in a panik.

Whoa… sans was a royal scientist?

“Wow, what happened?” you ask utterly intrested.

“Tem… dun remember… all was BOOM! an… white.” sam exclaims, making an explosion gesture.

boom? White? Weird…

“tem know skelly know what happen tho! He no tell tho, SKELLY WANT TEMS TO NO TALK! but we does! Tem think skelly no like tem…” sam sighs.

“aww, i think sa- s-skelly just upset about accident.” SHIT NOW YOUR TALKING LIKE TEMMIE!

Sam smiles, thanking you.

“Tem think ryu should go to sleeps.” sam smirks almoast triumpantly?

Sam looks at you commandingly, you nodded, they ARE right. Maybe you'll leave tomorrow, if you feel better.

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