Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Its been eight whole hours since I last seen Sam. I got to admit. I liked him back.

Reason? Samuel looked loyal unlike Nathan who goes for someone better than me. I was still kind of heart broken after three months he left me for good.

I was on my WhatsApp when suddenly an unfamiliar number created a group for 2 more unfamiliar numbers, Sandy and me. It said,

Hi guys! Natasha here, from the audition. Remember? -xxsyaxx

Oh, I remember, Natasha save our numbers during the audition but I decided not to reply back, I wanted to know Sam's number.

While waiting, I went to Twitter. Oh, typical Sandy and Nathan flirting with each other over the internet. Please, get a room.

Suddenly, there was a WhatsApp message.

Oh hi. The audition was fun, especially when there was Diana around. ;) -SamSam

That must be Sam, I thought. Should I reply to the group or not? After much hesitation, I decided to reply later.


Okay, it's already 9.56pm, I shall reply now.

Hi guys! -Dianaaa

OMG! Is that you Diana? -SamSam

Yes, Samuel. -Diana

Okay hold on let me send you a message. ;) -SamSam

So its official. Samuel liked me. He sent me cheesy pick-up lines and I just played along with him. Out of the blue, he asked me out, which I'm in a dilemma right now. Should I accept him? What if I don't like his flaws, the way he eats, the way he treats me. What if at some point of time our relationship doesn't even last a month? I got so frustrated, I rejected him.

He got pretty upset, well, I just knew him and I don't know him well so I rather not take the risk. I wanted to have a better life, at least, being single makes me happy.

It's a school day tomorrow and I am getting back my examination papers tomorrow. I was kind of nervous because I knew that I spent too much time on social media and I knew I would fail, well except Mathematics of course.

I know, everybody hates Math, well who doesn't? I was one of those Primary school students who failed Math without fail every year. When I got into Secondary school, things were different. Math became easy and I started to enjoy it, all those numbers and equations, how solve a mathematical sum, its quite easy, for me. I don't know about you, you may hate Math all you want, but trust me, Mathematics is easy if you paid attention in school and not falling asleep in class.

I know for a fact that everybody hates school. I'm the complete opposite, I loved school! No, not the education, its where you can spend time with your friends.

Oh yeah, homework... I better start my homework.


So I was wrong, I did quite well for my studies. Not that I expected anyways.

To summarise my day in school, it was pretty bad. Again, classmates kept on judging me and stuffs like that. Well, we go to school to study, not to be a super model or something right?

I'm glad when it's five minutes till school ends. The delicious burger I have been craving for weeks came into my mind, I almost started to drool when Mr Luo, my Geography teacher, interrupted me away from my dream land.

"Have you been thinking about food, Diana? Or are you thinking about the lesson I'm teaching today?" Mr Luo growled.

"Uhm, I'm sorry Mr Luo." I apologized while dozens of eyes stared at me across the classroom. They looked like they're ready to eat me anytime. Horrified, I looked at the whiteboard and started to copy down notes.

"Do note, next semester, which is after the June Holidays*, you will not be taking Geography and History. Instead, you'll be taking Social Studies, which is a combination of both Geography and History" Mr Luo informed. Everyone groaned. I, felt happy because at least there is one subject lesser to study for the finals.

Soon enough, the school bell rang. The whole class thanked Mr luo and rushed out to have lunch before attending to various activities they had that held them up as late as six in the evening. Since I have no activities, and intention to stay in school like the 'cool kids', I decided to go back home.

As I was about to carry on with my plan, one of the teachers, Mdm Maziyan, approached me.

"Diana! Are you coming for the overseas art trip meeting?" she asked. I completely forgotten about it. I nodded my head. She beamed at me and soon looking for other students to remind them about the meeting. I reluctantly went upstairs to the art room, where the meeting takes place.

I forgot to tell you, I'm involve in an overseas art trip with the school to Terengganu, Malaysia, one of the neighboring countries. I was quite excited because this is my second time to go overseas with the school. The last time I went overseas is at Perth, Australia when I was in Primary 5. It's a good experience, also my first time encountering the sensations of an aeroplane.

I want to go back home, have a long hot shower, eat my favourite burger, and read my sto-

"Hey Diana." Harry smiled at me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey."I replied, mentally rolling my eyes at him.

"Are you going to the art trip?" he asked.

"Of course! It's a rare opportunity for me, y'know." I said while winking at him.

"Okay then, see you later! Bye!" Harry shouted whilst zooming into the bunch of students in the cafeteria. I arrived the art room and sat down on one of the chairs provided. I looked around to see the paintings that were painted beautifully my the former students in our school.

Some said, a picture meant a thousand words, some said, a painting express a one's personality. Its unique how one can express themselves through an artwork. While I, don't like art and I express myself through dancing.

Yes, you heard it, I'm a dancer. Not a popular one, but its my secret. Dancing is my passion, and I'll dance to any electro or catchy song. One example is Trumpets and Wiggle by Jason Derulo.

More students started to rush in the art room, which meant that the meeting is going to start. Well, there goes my luxurious 18 hours I was about to spend at home.


A/N: Hey, Chapter 3 is up, that means I'm done with Chapter 5! I won't be updating as early as 1 week because I have a test which is common test.

Words/Phrases: June Holidays* - Summer in Singapore, which is only a month.


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