Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Finally, the school bell rang, indicating it was time for recess.

I took out my wallet and phone and waited for Amanda. She was tying her shoelaces.

"You and Iris may go first. Trust me, it'll take me 10 minutes to finish tying." Amanda said.

Sighing, Iris and I went downstairs to the cafeteria. As soon as we've reached, the drama queen, Nicole Potter skipped her way towards my direction.

"You do know nobody ever wants you, Diana Williams." Nicole smirked. I could feel the heat of anger burning on my face. Suddenly, Nicole was pulled back and was slapped in the face.

Harry Richardson.

"Don't ever come near her, understand?" Harry said, glaring at her. Well, if looks could kill, Nicole would be six feet underground.

Terrified, Nicole scurried away to the toilet. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. That's when I realise, everyone in the cafeteria was looking at me.

"Show's over" Harry shouted across the cafeteria.

Everyone went back to what they have been doing, although they're putting up an act.

"You okay, Diana?" Harry asked. I just stared at him and nodded hesitantly. Why is he suddenly being nice? Then he pulled me out of the cafeteria.

"Ow, ow, ow my arm hurts!" I shrieked whilst wiggling my arm out of his grasp.

He kept pulling. Does he even listen to me? Oh my...

"Okay now tell me why are you talking to Nathan in the morning?" Harry said angrily. Wait, what? Why does he even care? He's never like this before.

"Why do you even care? I can talk to whoever I want!" I shouted.

"From now onwards, no more talking to boys except me." He said with pride.

"Excuse me, Richardson. I, Diana Williams, can talk to whoever I want and you, Harry Richardson, have no right to control me. Now get out off my way!" I said angrily but in a calm tone. Harry took a step to his left and I stormed away from him. What does he even want anyway?


As soon as I stepped in the cafeteria, there were waves of silence. Every pair of eyes, piercing on me. None dared to blink in case they missed what I did. I went to buy food and soon there were murmurs. Out of the blue, the school's biggest gossiper, Nancy Jacobs, rushed towards my direction with a notepad and a pen on her hand.

"Excuse me, are you Diana Williams?" Nancy said with her big brown eyes staring at me.

"Yeah and if you want to talk about what happen just now..." I trailed off and took a step forward, and slapped her face.

Yeah, yeah I'm a bit violent here.

There were a number of gasps and some had their jaws dropped, almost touching the ground.

"Hey! Why did you do tha-"

"Oh my gosh, Diana! I've been searching for you!" Amanda said, cutting Nancy off.

"Uh, Amanda, not now, please?" I pleaded with her.

"Wait why is the whole cafeteria staring at our direction?" Amanda said while looking around her.

"Meet me at the usual in five. Oh yeah find Iris too." I said while pushing her away. Amanda looked confused but went away anyways.

Now its me and Nancy Jacobs.

"Why did you slap me in the face?! It hurts!" Nancy cried.

"Oh well, if you could stop snooping about other people's privacy, I wouldn't have done that and oh, you actually need a wake up call so I hope that would wake you up mentally." I growled. I walked away, went to buy my food and went to where Amanda and Iris is.

"-and that's how she got in the middle of attention." Iris finished off when I arrived.

"So you basically got in trouble with Nicole Potter and then Harry came to save you and then he suddenly pulled you out of the cafeteria and speaking of that why did he even did that? Okay never mind about that and then when you got back in the cafeteria you went to buy food and while waiting Nancy Jacobs came and she asked about probably about what happened between you and Harry and Nicole and then you slapped Nancy in the face?" Amanda asked without pausing to breathe. And now she's breathless. Well done, Amanda Jewls.

"Yes, Amanda Jewls and Harry pulled me out because of confidential purposes and I slapped Nancy in the face and you should have seen how I told her how nosey she was and when I walked away from her she stood still, shock-stricken." I chuckled.

"Wow Diana. You're something else." Amanda and Iris said in unison.

"What do you guys mean?" I asked? furrowing my brows.

"Well," Iris started off.

"You got in trouble with Nicole Potter" Amanda said.

"And a popular guy named Harry Richardson came to save you" Iris jumped in.

"Which was once, your enemy" Amanda continued.

"And then you slapped Nancy Jacobs in the face" Iris said.

"And said something that would lost her reputation" Amanda continued again.

"And now you're the centre of attention because everyone is still looking at u-, we mean, you." they both finished off. I looked at them, and then groaned.

My life is never a good one.

I stood up, and left the cafeteria. I went to the back of the school and cried. I cried and cried until someone familiar asked.

"Hey, Diana, you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine."

"That's what every girl said when they're hurt. C'mon, tell me."

I turned around and saw my class partner, Jake, standing awkwardly.

"Its nothing, Jake. Really." I pleaded. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Then how long are you gonna keep all these emotions inside you? Sooner or later, you might do something bad and I don't want that to happen to you." Jake said.

"Since when you became all empathetic?" I whined.

He walks up to me and gives me a friendly hug.

"Since now." He simply said. Then he placed his hand on my shoulder and asked, "What happened, my dear?"



I literally have a busy schedule. I'M SORRY STILL!

I'll make it up to you guys soon okay.

I realised that my chap 6 & 7 is abit messy so I deleted them and I rewrite chapter 5 again. Yeah.. pathetic.

Anyways, I would like to dedicate this chapter to @LifelessBiatch0105 because she is da kewlest friend on earth! Mweheheh

I'll update chapter 6 realllll realll reallll soooooooon!


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