Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jake Brown

"Have you guys heard about Diana?" A guy asked. My ears perked up and I listened carefully to their conversation.

"Yeah, she looked like a ghost! I heard someone close to her died, but that shouldn't be such a big deal." Said another guy.

It is Diana's birthday today, and she is still not in school. She avoided me, Harry, all her friends, everyone. She just looked like a zombie and thanks to the earlier conversation, someone close to her died.

Maybe this person is someone that Diana treasures the most, thats why she seemed to be gloomy. Today, she's absent from school so probably something had happened yesterday. I walked to class and sat down on my seat. I looked on my right and found myself looking at an empty seat that belongs to Diana Williams. The girl who I loved. Yes, I loved her and thats why I'm jealous of Harry.

It was so obvious that both of them liked each other. The school population found it quite obvious too, but both of them did not realize it. Such a pity, but I love her.

For the past few weeks, everyone started to ship Harriana, which makes me kind of jealous. I loved her since the day we sat together in class. At first, she seemed to be quiet but once I made a funny joke, which of course, makes her smile.

And hell, her smile was beautiful.

I, Jake Brown, have not experienced this world of Love. Some say that love can make you crazy, the desire of wanting to do stuffs like hugging them or even, kissing them was strong. Sometimes, love can bring you to jealousy, any guy they talk to, you get jealous. You care about them to much that you just want to know if they have that same feeling with you. The worst part is, if they don't feel the same way, you'll end up heartbroken.

I was once heartbroken. In the hospital when she chased me out just because of Harry. Harry fricking Richardson. The most popular guy in school and probably the whole world. Of course, he has the looks and the skills of computer application I mean like seriously, Diana? A guy who knows how to programs stuff in computers? I know you can do better than this Diana.

Who am I to the school? Well, I'm a soccer player but I am still, a step behind Harry. Yes, I am popular but not as popular as Harry.

And people are wondering why aren't we best buddies. Well, you know the answer.

So I actually bought Diana a present. A necklace. Seems cheesy but I can't help myself. Yes we both have loved each other for so long but she sees me as a friend which kind of sucks.

The bell rung indicating that its time for recess. I look over to Iris and Amanda, and they looked like their pet dog died.

Well thats because Diana isn't there, and she always brings joy to the both of them.

I walked over to them and they just looked at me as if I'm some stranger.

"Let's celebrate Diana's birthday!" I said with a smile.

Both of their faces lit up.

"When? Why? Where?" Both bombarded me with questions leaving me no room to answer them. After three minutes of squealing and screaming to themselves, they both shut up and looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"We buy stuffs and then head to her house."

"Is there a reason why we are celebrating her birthday? Her birthday is like..." Iris paused to think and widened her eyes, "today."

"Exactly, and I heard that she is really sad about someone's death. We could ask her why too."

They both nodded and agreed to meet me outside the classroom after school.

"I will make sure I shall be the one to make you happy, not Harry." I smiled to myself and went to the cafeteria.


Diana Williams

After wearing my black floral dress, I took out my black converse and wore them. I skipped down the stairs and was greeted by Mom with black lace dress and black pumps. She flashed me a sad smile and I just nodded.

We are going to Adam's funeral.

We walked out of the house and I slid into the passenger seat and my mom started the car. The ride was silent, but a comfortable one. I wasn't in the mood to talk, else I will have no energy to say something at the funeral.

As soon as we arrived, Mrs Finley ran up to me and I soon broke down.

Nobody ever knew how broken I am now, losing someone you trust.

After a few minutes or so a man, who I assume is the Eulogist asked us to gather. We went into the church and I saw his coffin. His coffin is white with a bouquet of flowers on top.

I went to sit down with my mom with sweaty palms. Soon, everyone hushed down and the Eulogist started to speak.

"Adam James Finley has been such an impactful memory to all of us here. His sudden death wasn't expected, but it is in God's will. I would like to call upon Maria Finley to give her speech."

Everyone turned to Mrs Finley and she slowly walked up to the podium.

"My son, Adam, was a very bright boy. He was the one who bring smiles to the family. Recently, he couldn't breathe. Diana Williams was there for him on his last days, and I would like to thank her for being with him. Now, I would like to call upon Diana Williams to give her speech."

Everyone clapped lightly and Mrs Finley went back to sit beside me. Soon, all the stares are on me and how much I wanted to go up to the podium, I can't. This is too intense for me and I felt sick for a few seconds. Suddenly, Mrs Finley helped me up to the podium and all eyes were on me.

"I..." I looked over to my mom and she mouthed out 'you can do it' to me. I nodded and I became a little more confident.

"I just want to talk about how we became so close. Of course, we were cousins, but something between us made us much closer than all my other relatives, and that is trust. Without trust, I wouldn't be up here and stuttering at first. Adam is like a friend to me. We shared secrets, hatred, everything. We would look for each other and we would cry for hours about our problems. Which lead me to what happened on his last day of survival. There wasn't trust between us. I knew that he would be dead soon, but I just can't believe it. Everyone kept it away from me for eight months. Yes, they care about my health, but I know I can control it. I shouldn't have raged on that day. Today is my eighteenth birthday, and my one of my three wishes was to get a 'Happy Birthday Diana' from Adam himself. That wish didn't come true, and I feel very guilty. I love Adam so much compared to my other relatives. I think that is all."

Tears started to form in my eyes and I soon ran out of the church. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry, Adam. They should take my life away instead of yours, but there's nothing I could do now." I cried softly.

After an hour or so, everyone started to walk out of the church and my mom soon came up to me and I broke down again.

"It's okay, honey. I'm here. Let's go home, you don't feel well." Mom said and I simply nodded. We walked slowly to the car and I sat down, looking across the window.

"I should have saved him." I mumbled to myself.

We soon drove back home wordlessly.

On the way back, I looked up at the clouds and I thought about the times we had together. I shouldn't have take things for granted. I sat up straight when something hit me.

Adam wants me to be independent, and that means...

I have to face the cruel world myself.


A/N: Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Which will be uploaded next week hehe.

Tata for now ~


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