Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was wearing a crop top and tight jeans with a red converse and was walking to the park which is approximately five minutes away from home and saw Jake, sitting on the bench, which was supposingly where Harry and my usual place is.

I really don't know what to feel, I fear that Harry might come and ruin everything.

Jake looked up and looked at me, happiness filled in his eyes. Trying to keep calm, I walked up to the bench.

"Hey!" Jake started.

"Hello." I said monotonously. I need Harry right now.

"So, you ready?" Jake asked excitingly.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Ready for what, exactly?"

"Oh, uh, well, I actually faked myself being Harry." He stuttered.

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Well, basical-"

"No, no, no. No explanations. I'm going home." I finally said. I turned to my heel and walked away from the bench.

"Wait, Diana! Just hear me out will ya?" Jake pleaded. I ignored him and suddenly a pair of arms tugged around me. Adrenaline rushed through me and I looked up, and to my relief, its Harry Richardson.

"Harry!" I squealed and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back.

"What's wrong, Diana?" Harry asked. I shook my head. I don't feel like talking but to be tugged under his arms, feeling his muscles. It felt so good.

"Get away from her, Richardson." A stern voice said.

Harry turned around and obviously, saw Jake standing behind him.

"What do you want, Brown?" Harry said will full annoyance.

"You heard me, now do it." Jake spat.

Harry tugged me closer to him, and Jake seemed disappointed. Probably that's Harry's way to say no.

"Damn it." Jake muttered under his breath, and then left the both of us alone.

Harry looked at me and walked off.

"Harry! Wait up!" I hollered. Harry stopped at his tracks, exactly how he stopped three years ago. A chill went up my spine and I stood there, frozen. Harry spun around and tears are evident from his eyes.

I went up to him and asked, "what's wrong, Harry?"

Harry looked at me and shook his head and walked away again.

"Harry, please!" I said in a soft voice, but he's not going to hear it.

I have a feeling everything is going to happen like how things happened, three years ago.

And I can't afford to lose him.



"I'm sorry if I never visit you for the last few weeks."

Says everyone in school.

How ironic is it when you're trying to be all sympathetic in front of me and when I walked away, they don't seem to care.

And as far as I can remember, nobody actually cares.

Maybe its because of what happened between me and Nicole recently.

Or maybe, Harry and Nicole.

Or me and Harry.

I don't really know, but I don't really care.

Wait, being in the centre of attention sucks.

Maybe I do actually care about that? Okay, Whatever.

School's hard when you don't come to school for two weeks. Just because of a jealous brat and punched me in the face. Its not like you can change anything from punching. Maybe my sudden unconsciousness did change, and she better be lucky, I didn't have amnesia or something.

Having a pile of worksheets and books held in my hands, I wobbled my way to the locker to settle my stuff. On my way there, unfortunately, my books fell on the floor.


I was about to pick it up when some kind Samaritan helped me to pick them up. Saying a quick thank you, I rushed off to put my thing in my locker and went to my next lesson.

The moment I stepped in the classroom, my first horror when I see Harry seating at the corner of the room. He was laughing about some inside jokes with his friends and suddenly I felt very weird. Its like my stomach's fluttering or something. The moment Harry looked around and saw me, he immediately stopped laughing, which made my stomach churn a little.

As soon as the Science teacher came, everybody stopped whatever they're doing and stood up to greet the teacher. After greeting, we sat back down and suddenly, someone familiar came rushing in class.

Jake Brown

"Mr Brown, may I ask, why are you late?" My Science teacher asked.

"Well uh... I lost track of time and I forgot about class." Jake stuttered.

"Okay, now have a seat and we will start lesson."

How much I wanted Jake to sit with someone else and it ended up with me made me break down mentally. Now I can't focus. Why? Harry Richardson

I'm sure as hell he's going to be jealous.




And this chapter is really really hard to write!

Finals in 3 days.... NOOOOOO!!!!!

Oh yeah, dedication.....

This chapter is dedicated toooooooooooooo....


@IffahFP17! SHE HELPED ME OKAY! haha

Now I don't think i'll update as soon as you think.

Okay, I'm done here.


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