Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I expect all of you to display this type of etiquette when we arrive Terengganu. Am I clear?" Mdm Maziyan nagged. There were some grunts and some yes. Pleased, Mdm Maziyan released us from the art room. I checked my watch and its twenty to 6. I groaned. I wanted to enjoy my personal celebration when Mdm Maziyan called for a meeting.

I waited for the bus home, feeling lonely. I'm always lonely. Forever alone. Suddenly, somebody tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Diana." The all too familiar voice said. I spun around.


"What do you want now, Harry?" I said in a bored tone.

"A chat, with you." He said while looking up at the sky, hands in the pockets. Crystallize by Lindsey Stirling blasted through his earpieces.

"What's there to talk about?"

"You know" he looked at me, "our childhood. Remember? We were happy kids and when we both studied one day, you betrayed me and... I don't know whether I should forgive you becau-"

"Look. I'm sorry for my childish act, I hope we could be friends like how we use to be and forget the past and look ahead to the future because honestly, that one whole year you ignored me and I- I don't know what to do and I feel bad. I'm sorry, Harry. I think that's all for today." I said with a tight smile, forcing back tears. Soon the bus came and I quickly tapped my card. Harry stood there, dumbfounded. I felt bad. I can never forgive myself.


"It was really awesome, Diana! Honestly, I wish this could happen everyday don't you think?" Harry smiled. We were having night class to prepare us for the Primary School Leaving Examination. I thought about his crush, Elliot and the urge of wanting to tell my best friend, Sarah about it was so strong. Harry was seating across us and I glanced at him. He seemed peaceful and his looks shows me that he was having a good day. Plucking all my courage, I said,

"Harry has a crush on Elliot, you know that?" I grinned devilishly at Harry while talking to Sarah.

"Really? This is sure going to be the latest update for the school. Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom. Help me take care of my things, yeah? Sarah said. I nodded gleefully and went back to work.

"What was that for?!" Harry fumed.

"C'mon, Harry. It's a joke. Don't be a party pooper. Obviously Sarah's gonna forget what I've said." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm holding your word for it." He smiled.

*The next day*

I skipped my way to where the lockers had located and I saw a boy, crouching in front of Harry's locker. He seemed very sad but I approached him anyways. He looked up and faced my direction, due to my sounds of footsteps. To my surprise, it was Harry. He had red puffy eyes and his hand was swollen. He looked and me and began to pick up his belongings and started to walk to the other direction, leaving a newspaper behind.

"Harry!" I called.

No response.

He could have heard me. My voice boomed across the corridor. Is he deaf or something?

"Harry!" I called again.

Harry stopped abruptly and spun around. Before I could speak, he screamed.

"It's your fault. Your fault! You said Sarah would forget. Look what's in the school paper." He cried.

Confused and realized that the school paper was just under my shoe, I picked it up. To my astonishment, the paper read 'Harry's admires the most prettiest girl in school, Elliot Preston.'

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