Chapter 1

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Luhan sighed as he stared at the clouds through his plane window. In ten minutes, he will reach Korea.


Never in his life, did he think he would end up travelling to Korea from his mother land, China, to live with his step brother whom he has never met. The nineteen year old wondered how his brother would treat him. Would Suho be nice to him?

Luhan recalled back what he knew of his brother. It was not much. All he knew was that his brother lived away from his biological father. He was the CEO of a fashion house. A bachelor and he was very close to his friends. They called themselves... Luhan frowned trying to recall the name he found on the internet... X...

"EXO" he mouthed to himself.

Luhan had seen a few photos of Suho on the internet. He thought his step brother had a warm smile. Luhan hoped his brother would smile that way to him as well and accept him into his circle too.

But, he would not blame Suho if he did not. Luhan thought it was nice enough of his step brother to accept responsibility after his parents died and bring him under his wings. But he knew that Suho agreeing to take care of Luhan and Suho actually accepting him as a brother are 2 different things. Luhan sighed as he rested his chin on his palm. After all, his brother didn't even attend the funeral. He hadn't communicated with Luhan either. Suho had sent messages via his attorney friend, Chen to Luhan.

He barely heard the announcement that they have arrived in Korea. Thoughts of his uncertain future being foremost in his mind.

"First Time to Korea?"

Luhan smiled at the man next to him.

"Yes?" he replied softly.

His fellow grinned at him.

"I hope you'll have a pleasant stay!" he wished the latter.

Luhan returned the smile.

"I hope so too."


Suho glanced through the contract he was reading, making some corrections. He glanced at his watch before clicking on the intercom.

"Xiumin? The boy has arrived." It was a statement more than a question.

He could picture his secretary pushing up his glasses.

"Yes,sir. The driver has already picked him up. They will be reaching home in about 20 minutes."

Suho grunted his acknowledgment as his pen glided over the document he was studying before signing off on it.

"Suho? Would you like to reschedule the last meeting for today? So that you can leave a little earlier to see your brother?"

Suho's pen paused as he glared at the intercom before his eyes returned to the document.

"That's not necessary."

Xiumin frowned at the phone before glancing up the oak door beyond which was his boss's office. Suho had been is his best friend in school. He was warm hearted and friendly to everyone - that is until his parents divorced. His mother had abruptly left the country and with her departure had taken Suho's warm heart. All that was left was a cold hearted boy who didn't care about friendships or feelings.

Xuimin sighed. He hoped the arrival of Suho's half-brother would break down the walls that surrounded Suho and bring his best friend back. But Xuimin did not have that much hope.


Luhan looked around the vast bedroom that was his from now on wards. It had every amenities an apartment may have except for a kitchen and dining area, done up in light greys and white. It was similar to his own room in China. Luhan wondered if Suho would allow him to paint the room in his favorite blue hues.

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