Chapter 2

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Luhan stood outside the restaurant uncertainly. This was where Xiumin had asked to meet him for lunch today. He had casually mentioned that the rest of EXO members will there too. Luhan frowned at his outfit. He wondered if he had dressed too informally. He glanced up as another group of business suited men walked in. Luhan scrunched his face as he stared at his sleeves.

"Maybe I should roll them up." He mumbled to himself.

He was blissfully unaware of six pairs of eyes observing him in amusement through the window of the restaurant.

Baekhyun propped his cheek on his hand as he watched Luhan roll up his sleeves - again.

"He did it again." He sighed. "Is he ever going to come in?"

Chen and Kai chuckled in acknowledgment. Xiumin smiled too as they watched Luhan pout at the door once again. He remembered how longingly Luhan had looked at the group of kids sitting together, sharing a meal. Xiumin recognized himself from years ago when he had been a new kid in school and how lonely he had been. He remembered standing in the middle of the cafeteria with a tray of food in his hand wondering where to sit. He remembered an older boy with a bright smile who waved him over. And as he had approached, he remembered the warm feeling spreading in his chest as group of boys turned to see who their leader Suho was waving at and the warm smile they had given him as he approached them. Just like that, he found a group of brothers. Just like that he found a place to belong. He made up his mind then and there to introduce Luhan to EXO and hoped he would somehow fit in too.

"He's still young- we were like that too once!" Xuimin commented calmly.

"Yah! Hyung!" Kai protested. "You make it sound like we are old. We aren't even in our thirties!"

Kyungsoo nodded in agreement. They were all young and successful in their chosen paths. Kai was a sought after cherographer and Chanyeol was a well known songwriter. Soo already had two journalist awards under his belt. Chen was a high profile lawyer who was known to never lose a case and people would kill to be dressed in the exclusive designs of Baekhyun's fashion house. It was interesting how a group with such varied interests shared a close-knit bond impenetrable by outsiders. Kai groaned in exasperation as he watched Luhan glare at his sleeves again

"Xiumin hyuuung!" he whined. "Could you please call him in? I'd like to eat my lunch sometime today preferably five minutes ago!"

Xiumin grinned at him as he fished out his phone.

"Luhan? Just come-"

He blinked, startled as Baekhyun suddenly grabbed his phone

"Yah, Luhan is it?"

Chanyeol laughed out loud as he watched Luhan jump at Baek's unexpected voice.

"Just leave your sleeves rolled up and come in now! My maknae is almost dead from hunger!"

Kai pouted as he nodded in mock sadness making the others at the table laugh quietly. They grinned as they saw Luhan practically run into the restaurant and frantically search for them before he caught sight of Xiumin waving him over. Luhan gave a hesitant smile as he approached them, intimidated by the group who was now watching him keenly. Luhan took a deep breath before bowing down to the whole table, surprising them all with his politeness.

He gave warm, shy smile as he waved at them.

"H...hi hyungs. I'm Luhan. I'm honoured to meet you."

There was a moment of silence before Baekhyun cooed.

"Awww. You are so cute."

He pushed a protesting Chanyeol off the chair next to his. Baekhyun patted the now vacant chair next to him as he smiled at the bewildered boy.

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