Chapter 13 The News

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Chapter 13 The News

The next day I woke up in pain again. My head was throbbing, but I wasn't as nauseous. Jacob! I dont think I can go to school anymore. Nessnie I will stay home with you everyday if you want me to.

No Jacob you need to go to school. No I don't I need to take care of you. You are my wife I will be there for you whenever you need me and right now you need me. But Jacob. No buts Nessie. I am going to be by your everyday taking care of you.

I couldn't argue with Jacob. I did want him with me. And when Jacob felt strongly about something there was no point in arguing when I wanted the same thing.

We have to tell my family today Jacob. Ok Nessie do you want to go over there now be for they leave. No I'll wait until after they all get back from school. Ok.

Can you call Dad and tell him we aren't going to school today and we will talk to them about it later. Yes of course Nessie.

Jacob went into the other room to call Dad. I heard him shouting on the phone. I guess Dad thought I was skipping school. By truly I wasn't. I couldn't go to school and so through classes all day while being sick.

Jacob came back into our bedroom with a frustrated look on his face. What's wrong Jacob? Your dad isn't exactly happy your not going to school again today. Ohh.

The day went by quickly and before I knew it it was 3:00p.m. and everyone was getting out of school. Jacob and I headed over to the main house to wait for everyone to come home from school.

As they all came in Mom came running up to me and gave me a huge hug. Dad just growled at Jacob.

Jacob and I asked everyone to come into the living room. What's this all about Renesmee? Dad asked. Well Dad Jacob and I have been trying and I'm pregnant! How is that possible Alice asked. I didn't see a vision. We just found out yesterday Jacob said. Ohh. Alice added. Congratulations Renesmee Mom said. Another hybrid sweet. Emmett added.

I will need to run some tests on you and the baby. Carlisle said. Why? To make sure the baby is healthy and stable. We will need to know if this baby will need blood or not. Ok.

Carlisle took me and Jacob up to his office upstairs and ran some tests. Soooo. Jacob said. It looks as if your baby is fine. Carlisle said. That's great. You are about 6 weeks along Renesmee. Wow. I can't believe I am going to be a father! Jacob said softly.

I will give you some time alone. Thank you Carlisle. I said. We are going to make wonderful parents Nessie. I know Jacob but I am still worried. A lot could happen in these next 8 months. I will be there Nessie. Whenever you new me I am there.

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