chapter 1

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Amelia's pov

"Get up and get ready for school now Amelia!" The man I hate dearly yelled from downstairs

I groaned and got out of bed then picked out my outfit.

I got dressed then went down stairs and grabbed my backpack and slipped on my shoes then left out the house and made my way to school

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I got dressed then went down stairs and grabbed my backpack and slipped on my shoes then left out the house and made my way to school.
When I got to school I saw my worst enamy chloe.

"Well if it isn't the freak!" Chloe said

I rolled my eyes and walked away but she grabbed my arm.

"let go!" I snapped

"Not until you say sorry to me and my freinds for what you did!" Chloe said

*what the hell is she talking about!?!?* I thought

"Umm I don't remember what I did now let me go!" I said

"can I kill her now!" My demon asked

"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID DON'T LIE TO ME YOU FREAK!!!" chloe yelled then slapped me

I felt my demon start to take over but failed to do so as I held her back.

"You're weak!" Chloe said

A tear fell but I wiped it and walked to my locker.

Everyone was looking at me but I didn't care.

"That's the girl known as the 'freak' that got slapped by chloe, she doesn't talk much and she's the most hated person in this school..." somone said

I closed my 'more like slammed' my locker and walked to my first class, science.
"Payton sit next to Amelia" mr. Linch said

I was drawing a picture of a wolf when all of a sudden chloe takes it.

I swear my eyes turned a darker shade of blue.

"Chloe give it back to her!" mr. Linch commanded


"Now!" mr. Linch said cutting chloe off

Chloe groaned and gave it back.

I took it and put it away.

"Bitch!" Chloe whispered

I ignored her.

"Today we will be playing with chemicals and pairing up partners" mr. Linch said

Everyone nodded and some said ok and said what they wanted to say while I just kept quiet.

"Chloe and Brad, lily and taniqa.... Joey and meredith, twaimz and larray, Michelle and Michael, Josh and Tyler, max and izzy, Baxter and Dylan, and finally payton and Amelia..." mr. Linch said
It was now lunch time and everyone went to the cafeteria and some people left to go get lunch somewhere else.

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