chapter 4

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Amelia's POV

"Bri said that lily had to go home" payton said

"ok" I said

We walked to our hangout.

"Finally" bri said

"Don't push it" I said

"Ok" bri said

My phone vibrated. I took it out my pocket and read the texts.


Chloe:meet by the school tomorrow!

"How the fuck did chloe get my number?" I said

"Someone told her I guess" bri said

"I just got a text saying that theres going to be a pool party tomorrow after school" Payton said

"Yipy!" Bri said

"I'm not going...." I said

"Yes you are!" Bri fussed

"No" i said

"Yes yes yes hundred times YES!!!! you are going because I said you are!" Bri said (more like yelled)


"no... it's to much drama so I dont wanna go" I said

"Live a little!, where is the girl I used to know!, you used to love parties but you never got drunk...." bri said

"Shes gone I'm done I'm not going" I said

"Fine!" bri said

"Really?" I asked

"No" bri said

"FINE I'll go!" I said annoyed

"Yay!" Bri said

"No yay" I said

"Payton are you going to the party??" Bri asked

"Ya" Payton replied

"Amelia you're coming to my house and tomorrow we're going shopping then we're going to get ready for le party and ya" bri said


"Kill me" my demon said sarcastically

*I swear tomorrow is going to be awful but fun.....* I thought
Lily:I can't come to the party tomorrow because my little brother has swimming classes.😕

Amelia:oh ok.😑

Bri:shes mad because I'm making her go to the party.😂

Amelia:not funny!💀

Bri:is too😂

Amelia:is not💀

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