chapter 13

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Arya's pov

I was brushing my teeth when I heard a whisper.

I looked behind me and saw no one so I just kept brushing my teeth until the lights flickered in the bathroom.

"LIA!!!!" I screamed

Amelia came running in.

"What is it?" Amelia asked

"I heard a whisper and the lights fwickerd" I said

"Ya it happens to me too but also our house is hunted" amelia said

"No it's not!" I said

"It really is I swear" Amelia said

"Or its your stupid demon.." I said

"Nah cause I would have felt the energy if it was her so it's not. This house is hunted and I can show you that it is" Amelia said

"No wait ya!!" I said

"If you're here than give us a sign or somthing." Amelia said

I held onto her.

The lights flickered twice.

"That was you" I said

"No it wasn't cause my hand is not on the light" Amelia said

The light turned off and a reflection of somthing shown in the mirror.

"Is it ur demon??" I asked

"Nope" Amelia said

"Lia!!" I said in fear

She picked me up and opend the bathroom door and ran out closing it behind her.

"I dont want to see that again!" I said

"Too bad you might or see more ghosts in this house cause its haunted but they wont hurt us." Amelia said

"Can I go to Sabrina's house you know ur friend" I said

"I'll call and ask and good news is that haley is moving back" Amelia said

"Yay!" I screamed

"Shh keep it down or you'll wake dad up." Amelia said

"Oh Oops" I said

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