chapter 16

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Jax's Pov

School sucks.

I skipped school and went out with friends.

We got a little bit drunk and after that we went to the park where only teens hang out. We waited for my sister to get out of school.
"Where were you!!" Amelia said pushing me a little

"Somewhere you're not aloud" I said pushing her back gently

"You skipped school again and got drunk didn't you.." Amelia said

"Yep" I said popping the 'P'

"You're an asshole" Amelia said walking away

"I know" I said smirking

"Don't start your bullshit" Amelia said

"Fine with me and um your friend's are here" I said

Amelia turned around and waved at her freinds.

Amelia's pov

"Sooo wassup" haley said

"nothing much" I said

"Hey payt" Haley said

"Hey" Payton said

"Amelia an Payton sitting in a tree, K-i-ss-ing, first comes the lo-" Jax said

I cut him off by saying.

"Shut up jerk"

"Make me bitch" jax said

I picked up a stick and threw it at him.

"You missed!" jax said

"No I didn't" I said

"Yes you did..." jax said

"Look up" I said holding in a laugh

The stick fell out the tree and hit him.


"Language!" I said

"Payton get your girl!" jax

"I- s-" Payton stuttered

"HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!" I screamed

"Ya ok" jax said

"Screw you" I said

"You too" jax said smirking


Haley went home and Me and jax went home as well. Payton came over and we watched stranger things then we watched once upon a time while eating popcorn, that is until jax came.

"Hi bye" jax said

There was a crashing sound downstairs.


I forgot to tell you that I have 2 younger brothers and 1 sister well you know my sister arya but you haven't met my younger brothers caleb and Mason. I have to take care of them them all the time cause my dad definitely doesn't take care of them.

Me and Payton shared a look.

I got up and ran downstairs hoping that my dad fell asleep.

"What are you trying to do now!" I whisper yelled

"We were trying to get the cereal but we accidentally  Knocked over a glass.." Mason started

"Well why didn't you ask someone for help?!" I said annoyed

"We sorry" Arya said

"Its ok but next time ask for help" I said

All three of them hugged me. I hugged them back then went upstairs and of course they followed me.

"Can we watch too?" Mason asked

I looked at payton for an answer. He nodded

"fine" I said

Caleb ran to the door and closed it then he sat on my inflatable couch next to Arya.

Mason sat in my lap. He moved around alot then he layed down. His feet were in my face and he was laying on his back.

"Can you move your feet..." I said

"no..." Mason said

I rolled my eyes at him.

Arya and caleb started playing around and making alot of sounds. Good thing me and Payton weren't interested in what we were watching.

"Mason stop" I said

"Nope nope noooo no NO!" Mason singed

"Fine I'll sing my song" I said

I reached for my Guitar. I grabbed it and tuned it a little then started playing it.

"Hey hey.... is your 3 almost 4 year old brother really stupid but adorable, does he always get on your nerves, does he have a squeaky voice that always cracks when he try's to sing, does he always think he is better than you... Is y-o-u-r b-r-o-t-h-e-r really s-t-u-p-i-d" I sang

"I'm not stuwpid and I am better  than you!" Mason said

"Are to but you're not better than me" I sad with a hint of sass

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