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Amelia's pov

It's been a month and me and payton recently started dating and school just went on break so I'm free from the she devil chloe for now, my brother almost found out about the cutting and what chloe's been doing and shit so it was nerve wracking and scary but luckily he still doesn't know and I hope to keep it that way.


A: soo

S: wtf you havent texted in like a fucking month well shit hello to you too


A:💀well shit sorry

S: child why

A: I broke my phone that's why

P: 🥺

S: well shit you cluts how the fuck did you manage to break your phone? Did you like throw it or something😭😤

A: no hoe I didn't throw it jax broke it cause we were fighting😤and yes I kicked his ass😌

S: good to here welp have you heard from lily🌷😓

A: no remember shes not talking to us cause her and bri AND haley stopped being friends with us so it's just me and you sabrina and payton🥺😇🖤

S: yea damn right but I'm about to kick payton if he doesn't give me free time with you cause y'all hang out every day 🥺😭😤

P: sorry you can have her tomorrow😓🥺

S: nu for a week since you had her for a month 😤 also jungkook and tae asked me to hang out with them😭😭😭 idk what to say please tell me should I or not🥺

A:tell me your kidding the two bad boys of the school OBVIOUSLY YES😤

S:I'm scared tho😓 one I planned on hanging out with you then the next day help felix with history

P: why are you studying with lee felix ??? Hes bad news and especially khloe's brother 😤

S: hes not bad news and okay he may be khloe's brother but hes nothing like her and hes actually really sweet god I can just listen to his accent and deep ass voice for an eternity also I gotta go to bed soon so say what you gotta say before i go off line you hoes😑😪

A: Istg you must love the damn boy too much also have fun with taehyung and jungkook 😇

S: Bitch you're coming with me tomorrow cause I'm not going by myself

A: I dont wanna now goodnight sleep tight dont let Casper drag you tonight🖤

~Amelia went offline~

S: Istg

~Payton went offline~

~sabrina went offline~

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