chapter 22

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Amelia's pov

Payton stared into my blue eyes as I stared into his brown eyes. Soon enough we were leaning in and our lips were touching.

We pulled away and I was a blushing mess.

He smiled.

*God hes cute* I thought

Payton's pov

As soon as we pull away Dylan comes over with wide eyes.

"Omfg you guys KISSED" Dylan said

I cleared my throat.

"I- um I should go" Amelia said

"Mkay" I said

She went and got her siblings then went home.

I sighed.

"Are you guys dating now" Dylan asked

"Not yet. I'll ask her out soon" I said

"Wow okay" Dylan said

Amelia's pov

We entered the house.


*good thing my dad and big bro aren't home*

"PAYTON KISSED AMELIA EEK!!!!" Mason screamed

"IM DEAD!!!!" Caleb screamed

"Shut up pls it was just a kiss it's not like he would love someone like me anyway " I said

I went up to my room and slammed my door then locked it.

I collapsed onto my bed with a sigh.

I got a text from sabrina and haley on the group chat we made. They added payton to it so what ever we texted on the group chat he would get the text.

I deleted the group with bri and lily.


Sabrina: I'm pulling an all nighter

Amelia: whyyyy.....

Sabrina: cause I'm bored

Haley: of course lol

Sabrina: I want to go to the park...

Amelia: I tired so I stay home 💀😖

Sabrina: nu bish you're coming with me and haley to zeh parksy🎉🌠

Amelia: which one???

Sabrina: the one in the woods or by the woods....

Haley: creepy pasta Oof💀🤷🏼‍♀️♀️

Amelia: okayy let me put the smol beans to sweep..

Sabrina: TELL Macy And caly I said Hi (Mason and Caleb's nicknames)

Amelia: I did they said hi. Brb

Sabrina: kk

Haley: Is payt asleep still smh

Payton: I'm very much awake

Amelia: back the smol beans are asleep now....

Sabrina: awe okay

Haley: Payt Are you coming with us to the park??

Payton: idk it's up to sabrina and Amelia if they want me come

Amelia: sure.....

Sabrina: YASS PAYT

Haley: jajavsks

Amelia: sksk I- 

Sabrina: XD shes petrified skskjask

Amelia: AM NOT!

Sabrina: okayy if ya say soo

Payton: Lmao


*sabrina is trying to call the group*

*Amelia,payt,haley answerd*

Amelia: "why sabrina why"

Sabrina: "idk"

Haley: "I'm at your house lia answer child"

Amelia: "I dont wanna but ok I'm coming..."

Sabrina: "what she said."

Payton: "Lmao"

*haley left the call*

Amelia: "I- lmao sabrina you're nasty"

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