chapter 19

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"I mean what could go wrong?"

Amelia's pov

Me and sabrina went into the locker room.

I put in my combination and unlocked it. I opend the door and grabbed my gym clothes.

Inside the locker room were lockers and on one side was the boys side while us girls had the other and there were showers and other stuff like towels and bins for dirty clothes.

I took my shirt off then put my gym shirt on quickly.
I slipped into my gym shorts.
I put my hair up into a ponytail

"And here comes the boys...."
Sabrina said

"I- ok I'm going to class now (gym)" I said

I went Into the gym where most of the girls were.

as I sat on one of the bleachers I saw chloe. I felt like I wanted to cry and hide away.

"Hey you ok?" Sabrina asked

I nodded in response.

About half  an hour the boys came. Me and sabrina talked quietly.

Chloe and her group of friends were playing dodgeball while the boys played basketball.

"Oh look its Payton over there playing basketball kinda cute but I'm with jace"
Sabrina said

I shook my head and smiled a little.

"Awe brighten up. I know you like him" sabrina said

"Maybe" I whispered

"I heard that..." sabrina said

"I know..." I said


Chloe looked at me with a smirk. I looked back at her with fear.

"Amelia you seem quiet why dont you come play with us"
Chloe said getting everyone in the gym to stare at me and her.


"Oh come on it'll be fun...unless you're scared" chloe cut me off

"I'm not I j-just d-don't feel like playing t-that's all" I stuttered

*Fuck* I thought

"Ya ok you're scared of me I know it dont try and hide it now come play with us, you have no choice but to anyway" chloe said

"I rather not...." I said annoyed and scared knowing what she would do

"Oh dont be such a pathetic little bitch" chloe said

"That's enough. She doesn't want to play leave her alone"
Sabrina said standing up.

"Shut it I didn't ask you to speak!" Chloe said

"Fine, want me to play Then I will" I said annoyed

I knew I wasn't myself right now and I knew I needed to leave before things got bad.

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