chapter 15

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Amelia's pov

Payton and I have been hanging out alot and we're getting pretty close.

Haley recently moved into the house across the street.


Haley: heyo um Arya told me about ur crush on Payton.....

Amelia:OMG!! Dont tell him!!

Haley: I wont lol 😏 although danielle Cohn over heard me today😭

Amelia:I'm screwed ain't I and um tell her to leave me alone😖

Haley:oh yea remember the fight you and danielle Cohn had???

Amelia:ya don't ever bring that up again....

Haley:oo spill the Tea sis lol ima stop texting you cause thotianna is calling so I'll text you later byeeee

Amelia:bye sis lol

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