chapter 18

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Amelia's pov

I woke up and did my normal  morning routine.

I wore shorts and a black long sleeve tanktop along with my leather jacket. I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair back then put on some mascara and lipgloss. I didn't really wear makeup and if I did it would only be mascara and eyeliner. 

I went to Mason and Caleb's shared room and woke them up so they could go to daycare as of Arya was with grandma rose.

"Mason caleb come on get up" I whispered as I shook them gently

Mason groand and caleb got up.

"Come on please wake up" I whispered

"Nu" Mason said half sleep

I poked his cheek.

He stirred and pushed my hand away.

Caleb came back into the room. He pushed me out the way gently then pulled Mason out of bed and wacked him with a pillow till he woke up.

They ended up wrestling eachother until I pulled them apart.

"Stop. Mason go get ready caleb did you brush your teeth" I said



Both boys spoke.

"O-ok..." I said

I went back to my room to see my phone going crazy with messages.

I looked at it.

It said two missed calls from sabrina and 7 messages from her and haley and 2 messages from Payton.

I read them all.

Sabrina: hey I'm on my way you ready??


I texted back with a 'yes' then I replied to haley and Payton.


I told Mason and caleb to go get in Sabrina's car while I tried to find my shoes.

Once I found them I put them  on then grabbed my backpack and ran out the house and got into the car.

"Took you long enough" sabrina said

I laughed a little.


We dropped Mason and Caleb off at daycare then we headed to school.


We entered the school seeing all the moody teens. Some making out with others and some smoking the toxic addictive chemicals.

Sabrina went over to her other freinds while I just looked for Payton.

I wasn't looking where I was going so that caused me to bump into somone and drop my books.

I bent down and picked my books up off of the floor then got back up and looked at the person which so happend to be non other then Chloe annmorez (idk lol) .

"Watch where you're going freak!" Chloe spat

I ignored her and walked to my locker.

I put my stuff in my locker then closed it and went to class.

I took my seat in the back.

I listened to what the teacher was saying as he wrote on the board.

I finally finished all my classes but I had one more to go and that is gym.

"Its not that bad I mean what could go wrong?" Sabrina spoke

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