chapter 17

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Mason's pov

The movie ended and arya threw somthing at me.

"STOP!!!!" I yelled at her

"Hehe" Arya giggled

"Not funny!" I said

"Nooo I hate that movie..." I said as Amelia played it

"You've never even seen it..." Amelia said

"eh ok. Are you and payton dating???" I asked

"no" Amelia said

"Uh huh" Arya said

"We're not dating" Payton spoke

"When will you too date cause she has a crush on you" jax said

"I don't have a crush on him!" Amelia said

"Ya ok that's not what you told said You had a crush on Payton so ummm..."

Amelia grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. He threw it back at her.

Payton got a text from his mum.

"Um I have to go I'll see you Tomorrow" Payton said

"ok" Amelia said

Payton left.

"What she said heh" I said

"Shut up" Amelia said

"Rude" I said

"Good go to bed" Amelia said

"No" I said

"Yes" Amelia said

"Fine" I said

"Screw you" jax said

"You too" Amelia said

Me Arya and caleb laughed at the both of them.

We went to our rooms including jax.

It was now 6:15am.

"Why are you so awake so early..." Arya said

"Cause I just am.." I said

"Goooo too sleeeep pleassss!"

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