chapter 20

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Payton's pov

I was playing around with friends when I heard chloe shout.

It caught our attention and we saw Amelia and sabrina on the bleachers.

Chloe's pov

Amelia was sitting on the bottom row of the bleachers along with sabrina.

Amelia got down from the bleachers and came infront of me.

She was a few inches shorter than me which made me feel powerful.

"I rather not play" Amelia said obviously pissed off. Good

Sabrina came behind her as I walked away back to my group.

I heard her mumble something under her breath.

I turned around and said "what was that I didn't quite hear you..."

"Nothing. Fuck off" Amelia said

I gave her a death glare.

"Sassy much. I would watch your tone if I were you." I said

"But You're not me so I dont take orders from you" Amelia said. It pissed me off so badly that I walked towards her and tried to slap her again but she caught my hand just in time.

"Try me" She said in a tone that I didn't want to mess with.

"Freak" I said pulling my hand away

Sabrina calmed her down as I walked away. I had my plans for her and she didn't know what was coming her way.

Payton's pov

I walked over to sabrina and Amelia.

"Hey you okay?" I asked sitting next to Amelia

"Ya I guess..." She said

"You can talk to me....whenever you feel alone or sad it's fine I wont judge you or anything like that" I said

"Thank you payt but I'm fine truly I am" Amelia said

I knew she was lying.

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