chapter 2

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3rd persons POV

They reached bri's house and went up stairs.

"Sooo" payton said

"truth or dare???" Amelia asked

"I thought me and you were gonna sneak into your house.." bri said

"12 o'clock..idk, I'm not trying to get my ass kicked" Amelia said

"We're still going because I wanna go get the movies and stuff from your house" bri said

"How are we gonna get in" Amelia asked

"Window..." bri said

"Hell no" Amelia said

"Hell yes" bri said

"You wanna go and get the movies fine but I'm not coming."
Amelia said

Amelia's POV

It was now 12:01.

bri went to my house.

"Bri try climbing up to my window and its unlocked" I said on the phone

"Ok" bri said

"I'm in" bri said

"Bri?" I said

"All good!" Bri said
Bri had came back with the movies and we watched like half of them and then went to bed.

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