chapter 23

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Amelia's pov

"I'm here now so come on"
Haley said

"B-but I'm not even ready!" I said

"Well hurry cause Payton and sabrina are waiting outside in the car" Haley said

"What ca-"

"Sabrina's car now hurry up" Haley said cutting me off



"OKAY DAMN!" I said annoyed

I ran into my room and closed the door behind me then went my closet and picked out an outfit.

After I got dressed I went downstairs.

"Kay let's goooo" Haley said grabbing my hand and dragging me out the house.

"Ow..." I winced

"Sorry" haley said 

"We're gonna go get payton now" sabrina said

"Haley you said that payton was already with you guys" I said

"Ya I know so you could hurry up cause You take way to long to get ready and You like him I know it because it only took you a few minutes to get ready" Haley said

"YOU LIKE PAYTON!!" Sabrina screamed

"I- umm  m-maybe.." I stuttered

"Oh my hylia" sabrina said

"What?" Me and haley spoke at the same time.

"Nothing. We are here someone call Payt" sabrina said

Haley grabbed her phone and called him.

"Come on smol bean we're outside" Haley said on the phone

I held in my laugh.

She hung up before he could say something.

Payton came out and got into the car.

By the way haley was in the front passenger seat and I was in the back with payton now.

"Aweee cutie's!" Haley said

"Nu" I said quietly

"Ya ok" sabrina said

"W-we kissed..." Payton blurted out

"Oh my hylia you kissed her and you kissed him..." sabrina said surprised

"M-maybe" I said


I coverd my ears.


"Shush k I'm happy are you guys dating now."

"N-no..." I stuttered

"Awe you're fucking blushing." Sabrina said

"I- can we j-just go p-please" I

Sabrina pulled out of the drive way and drove to the park.

Once we got out of the car the smell of cigarettes and beer hit us (lmao)

"Yuck it smells. Take me home lia"

*oh shut up*

I mentally screamed at my demon.

We sat on top of Sabrina's car.

"Hey little girl with the white shirt..." Someone said it looked like one of jax's friends.

I pointed at myself and the the guy nodded. Payton looked at me and I looked back then turned back to look at the guy.

"Your brother wants you" the guy said from afar

"Tell him I'm not coming" I said

"Yes the fuck you are now come here" I heard that familiar voice and of course it was non other then jax the jerk.

He came out from behind a tree.

I have to admit I was scared of him also his group of friends that I know because he brings them over.

I got off the car and stood in my place.

"Come here" jax pointed to where he was standing

I shook my head 'no'.

He started walking over to me. Payton got off the car and pulled me close to him.

Sabrina and haley walked to the store so it was just me Payton and Sabrina's car.

"Step out of the way Payton was it or is it bedhead? Oh right its Payton" Jax said

"Don't bring him into this" I said

"Why what are you gonna do" Jax said in cocky tone

"Want a bet" I said obviously pissed off

"Oh feisty I like it" Jax said

"You're drunk aren't you"
I said

"Eh a little" Jax said

I moved away from payton not fully away but just a little  so he wouldn't get hit.

Jax took a few steps closer to me and raised his hand to try and slap me but I caught it and twisted it behind his back.

"That's gotta hurt" I whispered
Loud enough for him to here and I think Payton heard it too.

I let go of jax and walked back to my original spot.

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