chapter 7

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Bri's pov

We were in history class watching a movie since
Mr. Michelson said he didn't feel like giving us work.

I looked behind me to see some people passing a peace of paper until it got to Amelia and I think Payton noticed as well.

Amelia's pov

Someone put a peace of paper on my desk and told me to read it and so I did and immediately regretted it.

~The note said~

You're a nothing.

You don't belong here.

You're a freak.

Kill yourself.



No one will ever love you.

You're a mistake to everyone.


You're just a no one and everyone will make sure of that so go home and take your last breath because all you are is a waste of life.

I got up and ran out the classroom and into the girls room.

I cried silently.

I wiped my tears away and went back to class.

I sat down in my seat.

Another note was put on my desk but I didn't dare read it.

I heard someone whisper yell "read it!" And I knew it was chloe who said it

I picked it up and ripped it then looked to see chloe giving me the death glare.

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