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"i think he said you to let him go, so get away from him."

it was corbyn who spoke.

he was quite serious, but it was hard to take him seriously with his mouth crushed with chocolate and some cereal crumbs.

jack was also there, he was behind corbyn while holding a pan and looking menacing at fred.

"hey, guys. it's nothing, it's just a fight between boyfriends. " fred said as soon as he saw them.

"no. we are not boyfriends, i've already told you. stay away from me." daniel spoke again. now his voice sounded more firm than ever.

daniel felt safe for the first time in a long time.

he needed his friends.

"you've heard him, fred. go away, " jack said, standing behind corbyn.

fred laughed, it wasn't a friendly laugh. it was abrupt and it sounded threatening.
fred was pissed, pissed at corbyn and jack and mostly pissed at daniel. and daniel could noticed it.
then fred turned around and left. as if nothing happened.

but daniel couldn't feel that way. he couldn't forget anything.

"are you okay?" asked corbyn approaching daniel after fred left and closed the door.

the blond tried to put a hand on daniel's shoulder but the boy with ocean eyes moved away. "i just need a moment alone, please," said daniel .

"yes, whatever you need," corbyn replied.

"corbyn and i will be down here for whatever you need," jack said.

"thanks," daniel said in a whisper.

the blue eyed boy turned around and climbed the stairs.
a tear rolled down his cheek, and then another, until he broke down in tears completely. daniel sat in his bed, after having closed the door of his room, and began to cry.

nothing in his life seemed to be going well.

daniel was very tired of all this.

daniel wasn't going to lie anymore, he knew perfectly well that the guilty one wasn't jonah.

it was me. i'm the only one to blame.

i had ruined my life.

daniel didn't know how long had he been sitting there in that position. he lost himself in his thoughts.


that was a voice that daniel could recognize. yes, he knew perfectly who he was.

dani raised his head. his cheeks were wet with tears. and jonah could see that.

because jonah was there. at the door of his room

"what are you doing here?" daniel asked whispering.

daniel tried to hold his gaze to jonah but he couldn't. so he crossed his arms and left his gaze lost.

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