Chapter 19: A Small Fight

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(Sam's POV)
I woke up to the sun shine through the window. It was just another day, another day to see Violet. Yet another day she wasn't mine.

She would be one day though. I would see to it that it happened.

I heard a door open and close softly down the hall from me.

I got up, and opened my door to see Violet walking down the stairs.

I silently closed my door, and followed after her.

When I got downstairs I saw her in the kitchen, she was making herself some coffee.

"Good morning beautiful." I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

I pulled her small figure to me, and held it against my own.

"Sam, you should really stop this. I'm with Dean, and you know that you just don't want to let it be. I'm always gonna love him over you." She said in a truthful tone of voice.

"You'll change your mind as soon as you see that I am better for you then he is. You now that deep down he isn't the right person for you, you've known it all along." I said, softy into her ear.

"Actually I know deep down that I love him, and he loves me. I know that he is the right person for me. I've always known it since the second my eyes landed on him." She said, she got herself out of my arms somehow.

Violet walked away from me a bit of a distance. "Sam leave it all be okay? I don't love you, and I never did. I never will either, you need to get that through your head. I'm with Dean, I love Dean and I always will. Now please just leave me alone." She said, completely having abandoned her cup of coffee.

"Fine I'll leave it be for now, but one day you will end up coming to me." I said, grabbing her coffee mug and walking out of the kitchen.

Violet would be mine one day, she just didn't want to come to terms with that happening.

'Maybe you should leave her alone so that she can be happy with Dean? I mean the girl already had enough going on at the moment without adding a love triangle to the mix of everything.' Spoke my conscience, damn it for being right. Violet did have a lot going on without adding more to the mix.

(Violet's POV)
I watched as Sam walked out of the kitchen calm as ever, with what had been my coffee mug.

I was still shocked by the events that had just happened when Dean walked into the kitchen.

"You're up early Babygirl. Did you sleep alright?" Dean asked me, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah I just got to go see that therapist today although I don't want to." I said, sighing.

Today was going to be a horrible day honestly. I had an appointment to go to, and then I had to go all day without Dean. He had to go to work today, at my school.

"I don't want to go to work, but I have to sadly. For me to get this job to make sure you're safe on a daily basis while you're at school I have to go and start working. If I could stay home with you all day I would." Dean said, kissing my forehead softly.

"I know you would Babe, but if you really want this job then you have to actually go to work. I'll be fine, I got Sam, Bobby, Cas, Crowley, and Jody to protect me. So don't worry about me, worry about keeping the job." I said, smiling up at him.

"No matter what, I'll always worry about you constantly. I love you." Dean said, wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"I love you too Babe, but doesn't Mr. Winchester have to get to work though?" I asked him, smiling softly a bit.

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