Chapter 26: A Party Day

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(Dean's POV)
Today was the day that Violet had to go to the party. I was going with her to make sure that she was safe, and that she didn't get into any trouble.

Although I was going, she still hadn't told me who she had to speak to or why she had to. The only thing she would tell me was that it had to deal with her plan. I would find out though before tonight was over.

At the moment I was waiting for Violet to be ready. How long did it take for someone to get dressed for a party? I had already been waiting for like thirty minutes for her to get ready.

I checked my watch for the time again, and heard footsteps coming downstairs. When I got up, and walked over to the stairs I saw Violet. She was wearing ripped skinny jeans, and a very see through black top, I could see her bra with no issue.

"I would say you look nice, but given I can see your bra through your shirt with no issue and with where exactly we are heading I think I should be telling you to change into something less revealing." I said, still checking her out a bit.

"What I'm wearing is perfectly fine for where we are going. I'll be around you the whole time, except for when I have to talk to my friend. Don't worry no one is going to take me away from you." Violet said, walking over to her shoes and putting them on.

"Why are you going to see your friend alone? I should be going with you?" I said, a bit angered. I was very over protective of Violet, and she knew that.

"My friend doesn't allow new people in the meetings unless they are customers. Plus this guy and I are very close, he won't let anything happen to me." She said, while lacing up her shoes.

"What type of customers does this guy have?" I asked her, completely curious.

"We can talk about that later, let's just get going. I don't even want to go, but this is the only way I can think of getting what I need." She said, grabbing her coat and putting it on.

"You better explain better about that later." I said, walking over and opening the door.

"I will, don't worry." She said, smiling and walking out of the house.

I followed close behind her until we got to the car. That's when I unlocked her door, and opened it up for her.

Violet nodded her head in thanks to me, and got into the car. I quickly got over to my door before unlocked the door, and sitting down in my seat. I quickly started up the car, and started our journey to our destination.

I drove the care until we reached our destination, which looked like a club. I parked my car in the back, and shut it off.

"Are you sure you want to go in there, and deal with everyone?" I asked her, curiously.

This place looked huge, so there was probably a lot of people in there. Was going to this party really worth what she had to talk to this guy about?

"I'll be fine, but will you? You seem a little nervous." Violet said, laughing a little bit.

"I'm fine, just looks like there might be a lot of people in there is all." I said, telling her the truth.

I wasn't scared, but I was worried. What if the alphas or well the originals showed up? Or what if they were already here?

"Stop worrying, and relax. We got to get going, I don't want to be here all night." Violet said, getting out of the car.

I quickly followed after her to a door, and walked in with her.

(Violet's POV)
Dean and I walked into the club where the party was being held like every year.

The club itself had the main lights off, but had dark colored lights on so people could see. It smelt like sweat and alcohol, which I was familiar to since I came here every year and partied.

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