Chapter 21: To The Hospital We Go

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(Sam's POV)
Dean and I just kept exchanging looks with each other. We shouldn't just be standing around, we should be running around getting Violet ready to go. If her fever was that high then she definitely needed to go and get looked at by a doctor.

"What are you guys doing? Come on, we need to get her ready to go." Jodie said, rushing back into the living room.

Both Dean and I set our bowls down on the counter before running back into the living room.

Violet was sitting where she has been before, eating her soup. When we all walked in she got a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong guys?" Violet asked, concerned. She now had abandoned her spoon and soup due to her concern.

"Violet when I took your temp it came back as one oh three, which means you have a really bad fever. We need to take you to the hospital so they can help bring down the fever." Jodie said, sitting on the chair next to the couch where Dean had been sitting before.

"I completely hate doctors so no, I'll just have to bring the fever down the old fashion way." Violet said, without a single thought.

"Violet if you don't let a doctor help you, you could die." Jodie said, completely concerned about Violet.

"And if I die the alphas won't be after me any longer, which would be a good thing." Violet said, before groaning and putting her head into her hands.

"Come on Violet, we are taking you to the hospital wether you like it or not." Dean said, moving so he was standing in front of her.

I could tell that what Violet had said about dieing had gotten to him, hell it had even gotten to me. We both weren't going to let her die at all. If we had to we would carry her.

"Fine, I'll go just stop." Violet said, weakly. She was still holding her head in her hands.

"Stop what Violet?" I asked, completely concerned.

Violet slowly began to straighten up and soon was standing with the help of Dean.

"Nothing, let's just get this over with." She said, leaning against Dean.

"Jodie, stay her with Bobby. Sam or I will let you guys know what's going on when we know." Dean said, walking slowly with Violet towards the door.

"Hopefully we won't be gone too long, but just help Bobby with what he is doing. He definitely need help from people." I said to Jodie, walking on the other side of Violet for support.

"Alright Sam will do." Jodie said, not being able to take her eyes off of Violet.

"Sam you're driving, I'm going to stay in the backseat with Violet." Dean said, handing me the keys after he helped Violet into a hoodie.

"Alright Dean, just make sure she stays awake until we get there." I said, handing him his jacket before all three of us began to walk out the door.

Violet instantly tried running for the car due to being so cold, but Dean stopped her since she didn't have enough energy to be doing that.

I ran to the car and unlocked the back door before unlocking the driver's door, turning on the car. I started up the heat and out it on low since it would be cold until it heated up.

I watched through the review mirror as Dean helped Violet into the back seat before getting in next to her. Violet instantly snuggled into his chest so that she could be warm.

I pulled out of the driveway and began driving towards the hospital.

It wasn't a long ride, so I didn't have to turn up the heat.

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