Chapter 9: Rest Of The Family

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(Dean's POV)

I woke up with Violet in my arms, and smiled.

Yesterday me and Violet had stayed up in her room after she had ran up the stairs, and I had found her crying on her bed.

I had comforted her the best I knew how, letting her cry and just being there for her when she was done crying.

I looked at Violet, who was still sleeping next to me.

I got up gently, careful not to wake her from her sleep. I found paper and a pen close by, and wrote her a note, which I left on the pillow I had used.

I got up, and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I started with a pot of coffee, and then started cooking sausage, bacon, eggs, and toast for all of us.

"Hey Dean." Sam said as he came up behind me and grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate of bacon I had just made.

"Hey Sam." I said. I flipped over the eggs in the frying pan.

"So Cas, and Crowely are coming later today." Sam informed me.

"Alright, sounds good." I said, watching the eggs.

"Bobby also called Jody Mills and she is coming too." He said.

I looked up from the food at this information. "What?!" I asked him.

"Bobby thought that she could use a motherly type of person around her, so he called Jody." Sam stated.

"Where is Bobby?" I asked him. I was mad for a reason that was unknown to me because he had called in Jody.

"He left last night to go back to his hotel room." Sam stated before he took a bite out of the strip of bacon he had stolen from the plate earlier.

There was a knock at the door.

"Sam can you get that? I'm busy cooking here." I said as I flipped the sausages this time.

"Sure Dean." Sam said as he walked over to the front door.

I heard him open the door, and welcome someone into the house.

"Sam, when is Jody showing up?" I asked him.

"Well right about now." I got told from a familiar, feminine voice.

I turned around to see Jody standing in the door way of the kitchen.

"Hey Jody." I said, going back to cooking.

"Hi Dean. Where is Violet?" Jody asked me.

"She was still sleeping when I came down here." I answered her question.

"Alright." She said. She went to go sit in a chair.

I went back to cooking, and I hoped that Violet was gonna wake up soon.

(Violet's POV)

I woke up and felt around for Dean, sadly he wasn't here this morning.

I sat up and saw a note on his pillow. I picked it and read it.

It read: ' Good Morning My Love. Sorry I wasn't here when you got up this morning, but I went to make breakfast. So while you are reading this just thought I'd let you know that I love you, and that I hope you slept well, I know I did. Your Love, Dean.'

I smiled at the site of the words 'your love', he was my love that was right just like I was his.

I looked at the clock on the night stand, and saw that it was nine in the morning.

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