Chapter 12: Information

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(Dean's POV)
I woke up and instantly smiled. Violet was in my arms. Even though I woke up with her in my arms every morning, it still made me smile.

I watched her as she slept soundlessly in my arms. I knew that watching her sleep was a creepy thing to do, but I didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep

A few minutes went by and she started to stir. She rolled over off her side and onto her back. She opened her eyes slowly

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I said to her. I kissed her cheek softly.

She looked over to me and smiled. "Good morning babe."

She sat up and stretched a bit.

"I wonder what everyone else has made for breakfast." I told her as I kissed the top of her head.

"I only want coffee this morning. I'm going to be busy shopping all day too." She said, the last part more to herself then it was to me.

"You still have to eat to keep up your strength babygirl." I told her.

I was honestly very concerned about her. Yesterday she didn't want to eat breakfast, and I don't know if she had eaten anything after that apple. Now she didn't want to eat anything this morning.

"I know that Dean, but I just don't feel like eating. Before you all came I never really would eat breakfast." She said. She got up and started walking towards the bathroom.

I got up and walked to the bathroom too. When I got there she was already in the shower.

"Did you eat anything yesterday?" I asked her. I didn't even try to hide the concern that was in my voice.

"I had eaten the apple, after that I was reading all day." She said.

Just saying that made my concern level for her rise up. She had to start eating more.

"Violet, you have to start eating more." I told her, completely concerned for her health and well being.

"Dean I don't really like eating in the morning, I never have I only didn't eat after that because I was too into my reading and learning new things to want to eat. I'm sorry I didn't eat much yesterday. I'm also sorry for worrying you. I also promise that I will eat lunch and dinner everyday, just not breakfast." She said

I had listened to everything she had said, and thought about it. If she didn't like eating breakfast then I wasn't going to make her, as long as she was going to eat something I had no problem.

"Alright, well I'm going to go get changed and then go downstairs. I'll probably be down there when you are finished with your shower." I said.

I was walking out of the bathroom when she stopped me. "I'm sorry...I'm not good at this whole relationship thing. I never really have been. I don't even know if what just happened was a fight or just a simple little argument, but I'm sorry. I know you love and care about me a lot, and you are always concerned about my well being. I just...I just wanted to start having my life for at least a tiny bit back to normal. I know it's hard for that to happen, but I wish it could sometime, even though out of all this happening I met you. I fell deeply, and madly in love with you Dean. I love you." She said, there were tears in her voice.

I walked back over to the shower stall and stood next to the door. "Violet I love you with everything in me. My mind, body, and soul all love you. They will always worry about you too. It's hard not to worry about you at times. You are all I ever really think about nowadays. I think about everything I know about you now and what i will learn about you tomorrow or later on in life. I love everything about you and I always will, no matter what. What we just had was a minor conflict, nothing big. It usually happens when one of the two people isn't used to the other one -or anyone for that matter- caring or worrying about them so much. So the minor conflict didn't change anything." I told her. At one part on me talking I honestly got shocked by what I said because it sounded like a relationship counselor talking, and not me although it had been me talking.

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