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When Peter woke up he looked at the clock thinking he'd slept in before remembering that it was the weekend. Because he was awake now and definitely not getting anymore sleep he stood up and went into the living room where Tony and Steve were talking.

"...like an immature little kid," was all that Peter heard Steve say when he walked in the room.

"Who's an immature little kid?" Peter asked sitting next to Tony. He then realised the news was on and was talking about how SpiderMan has been missing for over a year.

"SpiderMan. I think that's all he is," Steve said standing up he was still in his pyjamas. "I'm going to get changed."

Peter looked worried, what will happen if they find out?

"You alright Pete? Want some breakfas...?" Tony asked before looking at his watch before correcting himself, "Lunch."

"No, not hungry," Peter said hugging his legs putting his head on his knees.

"You should eat, you've hardly eaten since you got here," Tony was starting to get worried.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry," Peter said picking his head up looking at Tony with bloodshot eyes.

"Well I do. You know you can talk to us we won't judge you alright?" Tony asked moving closer and putting his arm around him pulling him into a hug.

"Yeah okay, but I really am fine," Peter said as he leaned into Tony's hug. Peter knew he probably wouldn't talk to them, he knew that things weren't gonna get better for him


Tony and Steve thought since they had been fostering Peter for over three weeks and still didn't know much about him. They wanted to get to know him so they went out for ice cream.

Peter soon got to know them but they didn't get to know him as much as they hoped. The panic Peter once felt being around them was slowly starting to fade away.

"You can call us dad. If you want," Tony said hoping he'd say yes.

"And pops?" Peter asked looking at Steve smiling.

"Yeah, I'm definitely pops," Steve said smiling before looking at Tony.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you all to leave we're closing in a couple minutes," a girl said collecting the empty ice cream tubs then saying the same to the other people who were still in the place.

Once they got home Tony brought Peter down to his lab where he'd been working on a new suit.

"Alright so as much as I love Steve, I don't trust him to help me with this but do you wanna help?" Tony asked when really he just wanted to get to know him better.

"Wait you want my help?" Peter was surprised.

"Of course."

While working on the suit Tony wanted to talk to him but didn't know how to start so he didn't he just left it. It was silent except his music until Peter broke it.

"Tony, do you think Wade could come over tomorrow?"

"Your boyfriend?" Tony asked smiling.

"He's not my boyfriend," he said not sounding as believable as he meant.

"Seems like it, but yeah of course," Tony said smiling more. "Steve's probably gonna want to know before he walks in the door so maybe talk to him."

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