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Peter woke up in his bed it was pitch black he guessed that he slept all day he was right he looked at his clock to find out it was three in the morning on Sunday. He picked up his phone to find out that Ned and Mj had been texting and phoning every couple hours. He texted them on the group chat figuring that's the best way to get to them both.

Peter: Guys I'm alive don't worry

He put his phone down not excepting either of them to be awake so he fell back asleep.

When he woke up to his phone ringing, it was Ned he answered lying on his side and putting his phone on the side of his head because he couldn't be bothered holding it up.

"Dude you scared us, we thought you were dead or something."

"I wish...Shit ignore that. I uhh I just woke up."

"Seriously I didn't even know you did sleep but still that's a really long time though. And I'm not gonna ignore that but I'll save it for Monday."

"Well I woke up sometime yesterday morning in a hospital bed in the tower and kinda came out to Bruce and Natasha."

"Wait you told them your gay? That's kind of a weird time but that's cool."

"No not that I'm gay that I'm you know SpiderMan," Peter whispered into the phone in case either of his dads were awake.

"Oh shit I didn't think of that. That makes more sense."

"Yeah and they already know that I'm gay."

"Oh talking about you being gay, Wade asked me to get you to phone him, he said he missed his 'baby boy' I thought it was cute," Ned said and Peter could tell he was smiling.

"Alright thanks man. I'm gonna go if that's alright I really need water."

"Alright dude, see you at school."

Before Peter could answer he had hung up he looked at the time and saw that it was one in the afternoon meaning they would be up. He just hoped that they wouldn't be in the kitchen, he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen filled a glass up and turned around to see Tony.

"Shit," Peter said quietly.

"Heard that," Tony smiled and sat down indicating for Peter to do the same.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so bad. I wasn't too bad right?"

"Pete, you couldn't even walk to the car."

"I'm sorry," Peter said playing with the glass in front of him.

"It's alright."

"No it's not, I fucked up..."

"Hey Peter it's fin...."

"I fucked up again. I'm sorry."

"Come on kid you're gonna be alright."

"No I'm not!" Peter snapped.

"What do you mean?"


"Kid you can try to push me away all you want but I'm not going anywhere," Tony said softly.

Peter didn't say anything he just stared straight ahead trying to block Tony out. He didn't know what he felt with Tony and Steve but it was something he hadn't felt at any other foster home he'd been in and that scared him more.

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