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After Tony spoke to the judge he went back to the hospital where his husband and their now legal son were. He walked down the hall to see Steve sitting outside Peter's room, he sat next to him and held his hand.

"The doctors are talking to him now they said they should be about an hour. How was the court?"

"He's our son, Steve," he said smiling. "Legally."

Steve just smiled and put his head on Tony's shoulder waiting for the doctors to finish talking to Peter and hopefully bring him home.

After less than an hour two doctors walked out, one walked away and the other walked towards them.

"Can he come home?" Tony asked as they both stood up.

"I'm sorry, we still think that he may be a danger to himself. We'll be transferring him over soon, the psychiatrist will determine how long he stays for after a day or so," she said before walking away.

They both walked in to see Peter lying under his blanket staring at the wall with his back to them.

"Peter," Tony said as they both sat down in the seats they were in earlier.

"What?" He snapped.

"It's gonna be okay, we can come visit everyday like we have while you've been here," Steve said.

"Sure whatever," Peter said getting out of bed and packing his stuff up which wasn't much, "will you guys be able to bring me a couple more books?"

"Yeah, how about clothes as well?" Tony asked while folding up his blanket for him.

"Yeah might be helpful," Peter said after zipping up his bag and sitting on the bed.

"You gonna be alright?" Tony asked knowing if wasn't a good question to ask.

"No, I wanted to go home."

"We know you did," Steve said taking his hand. "We wanted you to come home too."

"Of course I still have to fuck everything up."

"Talking like that isn't gonna bring you home any faster," Tony said with a slight smile.


Peter woke up the next morning in a more comfortable bed and a nicer looking room which he shared with someone who was the same age and apparently went to the same school. Which Peter hadn't noticed though he didn't really pay attention to anyone other than Ned and Mj even them he didn't always pay attention to.

When he heard a knock at the door he turned over and pretended to be asleep hoping to be left alone.

"Breakfasts in ten," a nurse said before closing the door again.

"They just keep coming in if you pretend to be asleep or just don't go," his roommate said from the other side of the room, Michael.

"You done it before?"

"Yep, it gets annoying after a while," he said getting out of his bed and getting his clothes on but instead of shoes he wore his slippers.

"I should probably do the same should I?" Peter asked turning around to face him.

"You know I always saw you in the halls with your friends and you look the happiest anyone could be but when your alone you look lost and broken."

"I guess you expected me to end up here then?" He asked taking his pyjamas off showing all his scars making him feel uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect it but it doesn't surprise me," he said with a slight smile as Peter put his jeans on.

"So what do we actually do here?" Peter asked half muffled by him putting his hoodie over his head.

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