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Trigger Warning
Peter was back at school after his two week suspension was up and was back to being with Ned and Mj.

At lunch Peter, Ned and Mj sat in the library they had started going there to get away Flash who was getting worse.

"So there's a party on Friday, are you guys going?" Mj asked looking up from her book.

"Definitely as long as you guys are," Ned said looking at Peter.

"I don't know I'll have to ask," Peter knew they would say no.

"I'm sure they'll say yes," Ned said in his cheerful voice as usual.

"Dude remember last time?"

"Oh shit yeah, I thought you died. But you weren't with them then."

"It's in my file, they called me an alcoholic," Peter said feeling offended.

"Well. Are you an alcoholic?" Mj asked smiling.

"No, I'm not. But I'll ask that's the best I can do."

After school Tony picked him up they were going to the tower to pick up Steve. All the avengers liked Peter since they first met him.

"So there's this party on Friday and I was wondering if I was allowed to go?" Peter ended out blurting it out as fast as he could when they got out the car.

"Really think a party's a good idea?" Tony asked as they got in the elevator.

"Well yeah, it's not gonna be that bad."

"You're file said you were an..."

"I thought you said you believed I was different than the kid in my file?" Neither of them noticed that the doors had opened.

"Yeah I know but that is serious, you ended up in hospital last time, Peter."

"Well I won't have that much this time."

"Or you could just not drink?"

"Yeah we both know that's not happening."

"What did Peter do to end up in hospital?" They had been to busy talking to notice that Natasha, Bruce and Steve heard the conversation.


"He nearly drunk himself dead and now he wants to go to a party where there will be drugs and alcohol."

"I never said anything about drugs."

"Do I need to remind you that your still on parole?"

"It'll be fine."

"Or the police come and you'll go back to juvie?"

"Or I won't? Why are you being like this?"

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. He was in juvie?" Natasha asked looking surprised.

"Thanks dad, you know what I'm just gonna meet you guys at home."

"Peter wait," Tony said before Peter left the building.

"Why don't you just let him go? You've gotta show him that you trust him. If you want him to trust you," Natasha said smiling.

"If we let him go and he ends up getting drunk you're looking after him."

When Peter got home he just sat up on the roof doing homework. He stopped when it started to get dark, Ned and Mj had texting on the group chat.

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