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Peter woke up to a bright light, he felt a tube around his face, a needle in his arm and in his hand and stickers on his chest. Once his eyes adjusted, which took longer then he wished for, he noticed he was in a hospital room in a hospital bed.

He looked around and saw that he was connected to different machines. He saw cards and flowers on the table beside his bed.

He had woken up to the same feeling he felt when he done what he did to end up where he now, the same feeling he'd felt his whole life.


He knew although he hadn't died, he would. Soon. And he knew he'd die by his own hand.

He lay still, his whole body was in pain but at the same time he didn't really feel anything, he felt numb. He looked up at the clock on the wall in front of him and saw that it was quarter past six in the morning. He guessed that he'd be alone for a while.

He was wrong soon after Steve walked in, looking a mess, looking like he hadn't slept in weeks. He didn't expect Peter to be awake.

"Hey pops," Peter stuttered weakly causing Steve to look at him and look like he was about to cry with the biggest smile on his face.

"Peter. I'm so sorry," he sat down in the seat next to him and held Peter's hand.

"No. Don't be," Peter said just as weakly as before. "I'm sorry."

"No. Peter, we should've seen it. I mean looking back I do now but at the time I didn't, none of us did and that's not your fault," he said with tears in his eyes.

"It is. I done this. I just...I couldn't do it anymore," Peter said as Tony walked in.

"So I just got that other doctor to sig...Peter! Your awake, I thought we'd lost you there," Tony said sounding glad and sitting the other side of Peter.

"I'm sorry dad, I really am," Peter was starting to get his strength back.

"It's alright kid. I'm just glad your alive," Tony held Peter's other hand and for the first time in forever he had a family that really cared about him.

After a check up Peter found out that he'd been in a coma for a little over two weeks. Tony and Steve made all his doctors sign papers to not tell anyone that he's SpiderMan since they would tell by his blood work.

Peter hoped to go home after a couple days before getting a psych evaluation he would be told he if he was able to or not. If not he'd be transferred to the psychiatric unit in the hospital instead.

Everyone visited, the avengers, Ned and Mj, they were all just glad he was alive even if Peter wasn't, he just pretended he was.


Peter got his dads to go home and sleep since they hadn't almost the whole time Peter was asleep. He had been sitting on the floor leaning against the wall reading for a while before Ned and Mj visited, the second time since he'd woke up and he was glad to see them like they were glad to see him.

"Hey dude," Ned said smiling as they both walked in the door.

"You got this, we got asked to bring it in for you," Mj said handing Peter an envelope.

"Thanks," Peter said opening it as they both sat down in front of him.

It was a get well soon card signed by the decathlon team and the teacher, his chemistry teacher, he also wrote a note at the bottom saying,

'Your spot on the team is waiting for you for when you get back if you want it. But for now just focus on getting better and don't push yourself, take it slow. I hope things get better soon.'

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