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Peter woke up the next morning, the tv still on and still on the couch. He turned it off and walked up to his room and got in the shower after seeing he had less than half an hour to get ready before Happy was there.

Once he got his clothes on he got his bag and phone and jogged down the stairs only to see Happy sitting on the couch.

"Morning kid remember breakfast and your tablets," Happy told him still looking bored from having to wait.

"Already have before my shower," Peter lied hoping he'd believe it.

"Alright let's go," Happy said as he stood up taking the car keys out his pocket.

School was the same as usual, boring and long. Peter done most of his homework between classes and at lunch since he still hadn't done any.

He avoided people mostly the whole day and at the end of the day he decided he still wanted to alone. He text Happy saying he was going to Ned's.

Peter walked home slowly with his headphones in and his music loud like usual and like usual he could still hear everything.

He walked in the front door and locked it again, throwing his keys on the kitchen counter before getting a soda. His music stopped playing and his phone started ringing.

He checked and saw it was his dad. He hoped it'd be both his dads, he missed them.

"Hey dad, how's the mission going?"

"Better than we hoped. But that's not why I called, how are you?"

"I'm okay, don't worry."

"I'm always gonna worry kid," Tony said which Peter knew he'd say. "It's my job."

"I know. How's pops?"

"He's good, just helping Nat out with something."

Peter and Tony spoke for almost an hour before Tony needed to leave and Peter needed to start homework.

He done his usual, got his bag and phone before going up to the roof. Sitting with one leg over the ledge and listening to music starting with his math homework.

No matter how much he tried, no matter how much he kept going he just couldn't focus. His mind was all over the place and soon went to his time as SpiderMan. 

He hadn't went out in over a month. Some people were saying that it was like last time. He'll disappear for a while and then came back. While others said be was dead. Which at that moment he wouldn't mind being.

He quickly snapped out of it and packed all his things away. He threw his bag back next to his desk after he crawled through his window and walked out the door, sliding down the railing and walking in the kitchen.

He decided to get something for dinner before going to bed since he hadn't eaten yet that day. Peter got out a frozen pizza and put it in the oven, hoping he wouldn't burn the house down.


Peter woke up on Friday, a couple days before his dad said they'd be back. He got out of bed and into the shower, tracing his fingers over a few scars on his wrist, glad that he hadn't done it in a while but hating the thoughts that came next.

Once he got out, he began taking his time. He hadn't looked at the time before going for his shower but when he heard Happy's car horn he knew he slept in.

He got his jeans, t-shirt and shoes on quickly and grabbed his bag and sweater as well as his phone before running out the door and sliding in the back seat of Happy's car.

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