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Peter woke up Monday morning, his first day back after his week suspension for the fight with Flash. That Flash started but because it's Flash, he said Peter started it and since Flash looked worse, he was believed over Peter.

He got got his bed and into his the clothes he wore the day before which were still lying on the floor. He sprayed his deodorant on and got his school bag ready before putting it over his shoulder, picking up his phone and walking out the door.

"I'm ready," Peter mumbled to Tony and Steve who had to go in for a meeting with the principal.

Steve handed Peter his pills and a glass of water, Peter took the pills and swallowed them whole which he knew Steve hated.

"Let's go," Steve said to Tony and Peter as he picked up the car keys.

Peter walked in behind his dads. He was glad classes had already started, he really didn't want the attention for being Tony Stark and Steve Rogers son. He didn't like the attention he already had.

The three walked into the principals office and sat across from him, Peter sitting closest to the window.

His principal spoke to them about how if Peter done anything to be suspected again he'd have to be expelled. Since he'd already used up his three warnings.

Peter didn't really listen to the rest, he just stared out the window watching what was going on outside. He wasn't looking forward to summer which was less than a month away.

The being too warm since he had to wear long sleeves, all the bees and the sun being to bright and just the sun in general. He hated being to warm just like he hated being to cold.

He had spent longer than he thought thinking about summer and what him and Ned and Mj were gonna do. Whether he was gonna go on his first holiday or stay at home. That the meeting was almost over.

He tuned back in when his principal said that it was nice to finally meet people who really cared for Peter, since every other family he'd been with were horrible to him.

"Pete, I'm gonna collect you after school okay," Steve said as the three were walking out the office door.

"Yeah sure," Peter said with a small smile as he was about to head to his english class.

"Have a good day kiddo," Tony said before Peter walked away.

Peter turned around after a minute to see them both walking out the doors hand in hand and smiled. He decided he didn't want to walk into his class half an hour late so instead he walked where he knew Max would be.

Once he walked out the doors to the back parking lot he saw Max sitting away from the small usual crowd. Peter walked over and sat next to him.

"Hey," Peter said with a smile.

Max just smiled back while finishing his draw from his cigarette, "hey," he said sounding just a tired as he looked.

"You know you can't keep living on that roof, right?"

"Yeah, I know. But I don't have no where else to go," he said as he put his cigarette out on the ground.

"I know man, I wish I could help but I honestly don't know how."

"You don't need to help me Peter," he said as he stood up.

"But I want to," Peter said with a slight smile.

"I know you do," he smiled back slightly.

Before Peter knew what was really happening his and Max's lips were locked together. He didn't know what he felt but he liked it, he kept kissing back until Max pulled away.

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