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Peter got back to the tower in time for dinner, he got changed into his pyjamas before jogging down the stairs and taking a seat on the counter silently behind Wanda who was cooking dinner.

"Oh shit! Seriously kid you gotta stop doing that," Wanda said after turning around and jumping.

"Sorry," Peter laughed. "Almost as bad as Vision, bet your glad I can't go through walls."

"Yeah I definitely am, that drives me insane," she said as she turned the stove off.

"I imagine it would for most people," he said jumping back off the counter.

"Yeah, it does. Wanna help set everything out?"

"Yeah," Peter said taking out enough plates for everyone.

When he got the knifes and forks and setting them out on the table, he thought he'd have someone or everyone watching but they didn't making him feel better.

It didn't take long for everyone to be sitting at the table with food in front of them. Steve insisted on waiting for everyone to be at the table before starting as much as Clint and Thor complained they agreed.

"Kid why don't you go see what's taking your dad so long," Clint asked waiting impatiently.

"I'm sure he won't mind you guys starting while...I go get him," Peter said as Thor and Clint began their food before Peter finished the sentence.

Peter stood up silently and started walking towards the lab jogging after he left the room, the opened the doors to show an empty lab.

"Dad? Dinners ready," he called but didn't get an answer, he walked round the corner and saw him sitting on the floor.

Peter soon worried walking towards him slowly, he saw a blade in his hand and his sleeves rolled up that exposed old and new scars but no cuts which made Peter feel a little better.

"Dad?" He said quietly sitting down beside him, "are you okay?"

"Shit," he whispered quietly to himself hoping Peter wouldn't hear and rolled his sleeves down and dried his eyes.

Peter took the blade out his dads hand carefully and put it in his pyjama pants pocket before leaning against the wall as well and leaned into Tony and started hugging him.

"I'm sorry kid, you shouldn't have to see this," Tony said hugging him back.

"You've seen me like this and worse plenty of times, it's my turn to help you dad," Peter said hugging him tightly not wanting to let go and understanding how Tony felt every time he walked in on Peter.

"It's not your job Pete," he said in a voice a little over a whisper.

"It wasn't your job to help me."

"Yeah it was and still is. Your my kid."

"And your my dad, of course I'm gonna help you."

"How'd I get so lucky to get you for a son?" He laughed slightly before saying.

"What happened dad?" He asked after smiling.

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