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Peter woke up being hugged by Tony and Steve on the couch and in that moment he felt normal for once in his life but he knew he wasn't, which made it not last long.

He stood up and left his blanket over them and went to his room closing the door behind him. He looked to see what time it was and saw that it was his old parol time.

He got changed into his spidey suit and told Friday to tell his dads that he wanted to be left alone. He jumped out the window following where his spidey senses where taking him to go.

He ended up at a mugging and the guy had a gun Peter had been used to this so he didn't mind he just jumped down from where he was. He webbed the gun out his hand and threw it on the top of the building he had been on.

He handed the woman back her stuff and made sure she was okay. She thanked him and ran out the ally. Peter turned to web him to the wall but before he could, before his spidey senses went off he got stabbed in the thigh and the guy ran.

He knew he wouldn't be able to catch up with him so he didn't but he also knew he wouldn't be able to treat this by himself so he headed towards the tower.

Peter climbed in his bedroom window and down the hall to where he heard the tv and saw Natasha and Bruce.

"Hey guys," Peter said from the door frame weakly standing on one leg with his hood down and they could see his face.

"Peter? How the hell did you get in here?" Natasha asked looking confused.

"The window, I need a little help."

"Oh god Peter What happened?"

"I got stabbed, during a mugging...Oh! I..I wasn't doing the mugging...I stopped it."

"Come on through to the infirmary," Bruce said closing the door after they were both in, "just sit there I'll be over in a minute, do think you'd be able to take your pants off?"

Bruce dragged a stool over in front of Peter and with what he needed to clean and bandage his leg. Peter had done what he asked him to worrying that he'd question his scars. Bruce looked at his leg knowing not to mention the other scars.

"This is probably gonna hurt a little," Bruce said holding a cloth with hydrogen peroxide on to his leg making Peter jump a little.

Peter watched as he got a needle and thread ready, "oh that's not necessary, it'll be healed by the time the stitches need to be out."

"Really? Alright if you're sure," Bruce put the needle down and bandaged his leg up instead. "So that should be it, just you know take it easy and I think you should stay here tonight."

"I have no clothes here."

"You have pyjamas, that's usually what people wear to bed."

The pyjamas that he had was a short sleeved t-shirt which would tell them something about Peter that he didn't want people to know.

"Yeah, right. Do you have a different shirt I could wear?" Peter asked hoping he wouldn't question it.

"I can look," Bruce said with a smile which quickly turned sad when he looked down at Peter's leg again. "You want to tell me how the rest of these happened?"

"It umm...it doesn't matter," Peter said standing up pulling his pants back up wincing at the pain.

"Yeah that's still gonna hurt and Peter I think I already know. When I took your blood I saw your arm I'm guessing it's the same?"

"Yeah," Peter said looking at the ground.

"That's alright. You want to talk about that?"

"No, not really."

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