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Trigger Warning
Peter couldn't get to sleep after he finished his book, no matter how much he tried so he climbed up to the roof and lay down with his legs dangling over the edge.

He stayed up there for hours until the sky started to get lighter, he climbed down and through his window. He checked the time it was only quarter to five he needed to be in school by half eight.

He realised he still hadn't unpacked since he got here so he done that. He got the duffel bag out the bottom of the closet that he threw it in and put his very few clothes away neatly, put all the books he had in the small bookcase with his school books in corner of his desk.

He put his Star Wars blanket on the shelf in his closet folded neatly and put his unicorn bear he got from Wade on his bedside table behind his clock.

After he finished he decided to have a shower since he hadn't had one in a couple days. After he got out he looked in the mirror and saw that a massive bruise had formed as well as the cut he already had, he put a new bandaid on hoping that would hide it a little.

He really needed new clothes all his were old, too big and starting to rip, some already had. He got dressed his only pair of jeans and a hoodie.

Peter had to make sure he got out without his dads seeing him. He looked at the clock it was half seven he decided now was a good time to leave he heard Steve start the shower and Friday told him Tony was down in his lab.

Peter quickly ran out his room and out the door making his way to the subway knowing he could probably walk faster but he had time.

He then realised he didn't have time he was still twenty blocks away from school and it was quarter past eight. He decided to get off at the next stop and run.

He somehow got to school just as the bell went and headed to homeroom, he sat next to Ned like he usually does.

"Hey dude," Peter knew he wanted to ask about his head but he figured out a long time ago it was always best not to question it.

Ned knew he was SpiderMan but he also didn't know if he'd been out since he'd given his suit back. Peter had asked him to keep it safe while he was in juvie.

"That book for English was super boring right?"

"Yeah, I'm definitely failing that assignment."

"Wait, what assignment? I thought we just had to read the book?" Peter asked panicking.

"Yeah we had to read it and then do the assignment about the book."

"Oh shit I am so fucked," Peter said putting his head on the table.

Peter walked into English late and everyone stared at him, he walked to the back of the room next to Ned feeling really uncomfortable.

During lunch Flash had started making gay jokes about him and that's when he started using the nickname Penis Parker. Peter wasn't looking forward to hearing everyday.

His English teacher had sent Peter to the principal near the end of class because it was the forth time Peter hadn't handed in an assignment and was failing English.

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