chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning feeling like shit.

Yesterday after being told I was gonna get adopted I was walking up to ky room when I was hit in the face.

Flashback yesterday:

I fell on my ass then looked up to see victoria and her two followers behind her.

"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt?.....good better teach you not to fucking mess with me you fucking worthless bitch!" Victoria hissed, and then kicked me in the gut.

After her and her friends each had their goes at me, Victoria knelt down and whispered in my ear.

"No ones gonna want to adopt you not even that person who's going to tomorrow once they get one look at you they'll tell Marie never mind and leave cause no one wants you just face it." She giggled, then I opened my mouth and said something I was probably going to regret.

"Then why the fuck are you still here Victoria, no ones even come to interview you to see if your someone they want to adopt, just admit it you just beat me up cause your jealous cause I have someone that wants to adopt me and you don't."

She glared at me then smiled.

"Obviously you still haven't learned to keep your mouth shut."

She then kicked me again hard.

She then snickered and spun around on her heals and walked off with her two little followers doing the same.

Flashback over back to the present:

Tears began to run down my cheeks as I grabbed some cloths out of my closet and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

I started the shower then locked the door, while I was waiting for the shower to warm up I pulled my razor out of the shower and put it against my wrist, I had never done this before so I was kinda scared. I went to pull it away thinking twice about it, but in the midst of pulling it away the razor had already cut into my wrist.

I dropped the razor as I starred down at my bleeding wrist.

Omg what have I done? I thought to myself, I quickly got undressed being careful not to touch ky three cuts.

Right when the warm water hit my cuts I winced in pain.

"Shit" I hissed softly

I then put it back under the water and again winced in pain but I didn't pull back, after a while the pain subsided and I was able to take my shower.

After I was done getting ready I looked back down at my wrist, there on it were three long cuts that were now red and looked irritated.

I grabbed my bracelets and put them on to cover the cuts that were soon to become scars.

"PIPER!!!" Marie yelled "HE'S HERE!"

"OK JUST A SEC" I yelled back, I rand my hands down my Black FIR shirt to smooth it out, I then winced in pain as my hands ran down my curves.

"Ouch! Shit why does it hurt?" I asked my self as I walked back in the bathroom and pulled up my shirt only to reveal two huge bruises on my side's.

I touched one of them and I winced in pain.

"I really hope he wants to adopt me cause I don't want to stay another second in this hell hole" I whispered, I pulled my shirt down and walked down stairs to meet the man that wanted to adopt me.

Adopted By Ronnie Radke [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now