chapter 25

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when we got to Wal-Mart Jacky and I walked straight to the baby section well the others were off doing god knows what.

when we got to the baby isle I started looking at baby cribs and strollers and carseats.

"awww Jacky look at this one"

it was a purple and black play pin crib with hearts and skulls on it.

"that ones nice, if you want to get that one then we can."

I looked up at him and smiled then nodded.

"alright." he grabbed the box.

I found a cute matching stroller and carseat.

after we grabbed them all and put them in the cart we walked to the baby cloths and picked out some cute and awesome baby cloths one of them said "Daddy's little girl" on it.

another said.


and another said.

"its all grandpa's fault"

Jacky and I thought that one wad funny and decided to get it.

after we were done picking out cloths and getting diapers and all the other stuff a baby would need we walked to the check out line, well we were waiting I remembered what It was I needed.

"shit, Jacky ill be right back."

with Alice in my arms I walked away from the check out line and to the food isle, I reached up and tried to grab the bag of chips I wanted but I couldn't reach them.

for one it was on the high shelf and two I didn't want to risk dropping Alice.

I groaned.

"You need some help?" a voice asked me.

I looked in the direction the voice came and standing there was Ashley Purdy and Christian Coma.

"yes please." I said backing up and Ashley walked over to me and reached up grabbing the bag of chips I was trying to reach.

"there you go."

he handed them to me.

"thank you so much I didn't want to jump and risk dropping her."

I said cradling Alice.

"wait aren't you Ronnies kid?"

CC asked walking over to us.

I nodded.


"well nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you to, sorry not to be rude but I got to get going jackys waiting for me in line with the baby's stuff."

they nodded and said goodbye.

I turned around and began walking and thought to myself.

"wow didn't think I would be meeting black veil brides in Wal-Mart."

I chuckled lightly to myself and then continued to walk to the check out line.

When I got back Jacky was already done and was waiting for me.

I waited in line to pay for my chips.

when I got to the check stand lady I was about to pay for my chips when she asked.

"This your baby sister?"

I looked up at her.

"No shes my Daughter."

Her eyes widened.

"Really? you only look to be about 16, your still a baby you shouldn't be having kids of your own yet."

I was shocked.

"Excuse me but I don't think that's any of your god damn business."

I hissed.

"well I was just saying maybe you shouldnt be having any kinds at this age didn't your parents ever talk to about it."

she said.

Now I was beyond pissed off.

"for your fucking information I'm almost 17 and my fucking parents are dead so maybe you should just mind your god damn fucking business, and what I do and how I choose to live does not concern you, now if you'll excuse me." I slapped the money down and grabbed my chips and walked over to Jacky.

He could tell I was pissed.

"hey babe what's wrong?"

tears began to sting my eyes.

"that fucking bitch over there was giving me a fucking lecture of how im to fucking young to be having a kid, like I don't already know that, I'm not saying I regret having Alice at all cause I don't I'm glad I had her but I don't want to walk into a fucking store and be questioned by people because im 16 and have a baby."

I was now sobbing.

Jacky hugged me and rubbed my back well hugging me.

"its ok, just ignore them. hey look at me, you and Alice are the two best things that happened to me and I'm not going to stand by and watch you get hurt because people don't know how to mind their own fucking business, I know it hurts but the best thing you can do is just ignore them ok."

I looked up at him and nodded.

"alright" he said then kissed me.

"let's get out of here." and with that we left Wal-Mart and walked back to the tour bus.

Adopted By Ronnie Radke [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now