Chapter 9

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He took a deep breath and opened the door. He was walking into McDonald's. 

"Hey boy, are you nerves your sweating like crazy." An old man said.

Luke nods as the sweat driped down his face. The man handed him a napkin.

"Well, I wish you luck with what ever it is."

"Thanks." Luke replies.

He begins to skim the tables when he saw a girl. She was waving at him. She had short pink hair and lots of freckles.  He smiled. He likes freckles.

He walks over to her.

"Hey!" She says. She had a southern accent. He sits down across from her.

"Hey." Luke says smiling.  "She seems nice." He thought.

A waitress walks up to them. "May I take hour order?" She says eyeing Luke.

"Um... sure I would like a double cheese Burger and a large fry."

"I would like the same." Silva says.

"Okay and what would you like drink." The waitress asks.

"I will have a coke." Luke answers.

"I would like a ice tea, please."

"Okay, I will be back momentarily." She walks away.

When she was gone a couple walks by. The guy looks familiar to Luke. "Wait a minute." He says.

He gets up to get a better look.





"What are you doing here?" All of them said together.

"Your orders ready." The waitress interrupts. She places the food on the table. "Will these two be joining you guys?" She asks this time eyeing Ashton.

"No!" They all shout.

"Okay... I will be back to check up on how your meal is going later." She says softly.

When she was gone Luke cleared his throat. "So...Um... You two know each other?" Luke asks Silva.

"Uh... Yes. Luke, this is my sister, Jessi. Jessi, this is Luke my- friend."

"Well then." Ashton says breaking the silence. Luke looks at him. He had cuts all up both of his arms. He eyes were red, Luke could tell he had been crying.

"We will let you two get to your meal." Jessi says. Her and Ashton walk to a near by table. Ashton fixes his glass and grins at Jessi. "He likes her." Luke thought.

Luke and Silva begin eating.

"So your sister, is she like us. Cause I don't want her to hurt-"

"Luke, she is not like us. She is a wizard." She whispers.

Luke's eyes widened. "Is she putting him under some kind of love spell!" He whisper shouts.

"No!" She yelled a little to loud because everyone looks at them.

"Sorry." Luke says to them and they all continue their lunches.

"She would never do that. She is too nice." Silva whispers.

"Okay, just making sure Ash is safe." Luke says.

Silva looks at him in admiration.  "You really like him, don't you." She says.

"Of course. He is one of my best friends. He has gone through too much over the years to be hurt any more."

"Alright, do you have anything important I need to know about this whole werewolf thing?"

"Actually, Yes. You can turn into a wolf on a full moon and when something important happens. It is like on instinct, so becarefull of what you do. Also, don't forget you can not tell humans your identity. You can only tell them if they are a creature too."

"Okay, wow! This makes me a little scared. What if I accidentally change on stage?" Luke asks his eyes widening.

"That would never happen and after a while you start to control the urges."

"What urges?"

"Basically, you will want to do everything a dog does, and you will have a craving of raw meat."

"Well that's nice." Luke said sarcastically.

"I know, but that what will happen."

They finishes eating. "I will see later." Luke says handing her his number on a napkin.

"Alright, bye then." Silva says grinning.

*Authors Note*


Sorry for the boring chapter just a filler.

I decided to try and update every other day sense school is starting up again.

By my bananas!!!

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