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My school year went by rather nicely. I fit in well and I made a lot of new friends, but Lexie was my best friend. I saw Riley every other weekend. Every time we saw each other, he would propose to me with a Ring Pop. I always answered with a kiss.

I joined Volleyball, Cross Country, and Track and Field. I was a distance runner and a speed runner. For my schedule, I also added in an Art class. My teacher said I had real talent. 

I visited my father at the cemetery every few days, filling him in on what was going on. Riley went with me on the weekends that we were together. He enjoyed going.

When summer came back around, I couldn't be more ready to return to Jedson. It was definitely a lot different without Kayleigh there. Since Ella, Haley, and I are all Juniors, Purple wouldn't have a Veteran so we had to get a new one. We also got a new freshman, Andrea. In case you're wondering, she didn't have nearly as dramatic of a summer as I had.

Without Addie and Mandee there, there were no bad girls to cause drama. My summer was not dramatic at all and that was kind of refreshing. My first summer here at Jedson was dramatic enough to last for the rest of the years. 

Alex and Lexie ended up dating now that Alex and I were only friends. They're really cute together. I came up with their cute couple nickname, Alexie.

As for Brady? He ended up finding a really nice girl, Ellie, at his school during the year. Brady convinced her to come to Camp and she did. She had tons of fun and she's one of my really good friends now.

That summer ended, the next school year started and ended quickly, then before I knew it, I was a Veteran. There wasn't really anything special about being a Veteran since there were three of us in the Purple cabin. 

Ellie and Brady broke up. They're still friends and she still came to Camp. They broke up some time during the school year. 

Alexie was still going strong and as cute as ever.

Riley and I? Our relationship has been perfect. Even with not seing each other for weeks, we never fought or argued. We had the kind of relationship that people dreamed about having.

That summer ended and I was sad to say goodbye to Jedson Summer Camp. We all cried, realizing that we would never get to come back here and we couldn't just say, "See you next summer" anymore. We were headed off to college, our lives officially started. 

But it had to end sometime. I went into my senior year of high school and then graduated. I'm guessing that Lexie survived being the Veteran of the Purple cabin. 

Riley and I headed off to the same college, still a couple. None of our friends went to our college sadly.We graduated from college with memories of Jedson Summer Camp still fresh in our heads like they happened yesterday. 

We moved in together and after dating for seven years, Riley proposed to me. How did he propose, you ask? Well, I'll tell you! He put a blindfold over my eyes and drove off somewhere. I kept asking him where we were going but he wouldn't budge. When he let me out of his car and untied my blindfold, I was standing in the front of the Main Hall at Jedson Summer Camp, back for the first time since the last day of me being a Veteran.

He got down on one knee and asked the famous question, "Will you marry me?" When I said yes, all of our friends bursted out from the Main Hall. Alex and Lexie, still a couple, Brady, Ella, Haley, Addie (not dating Jason still), Kayleigh, Ellie, and Andrea. They all hugged us and I got teary-eyed, so happy that they are here. 

They left after about an hour. That hour flew by so quickly. We all told each other stories of college and I listened to tales of romances. Kayleigh was dating some guy that I didn't know, Brady was still single, and of course, Riley and I were now engaged.

After they left, Riley and I walked to the Purple cabin. It still had the sign that said "Purple" with a heart next to it. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of my old summer home. Riley and I also went to the Blue cabin and stood outside of it for a while. We sat beside the lake, me admiring my engagement ring.

The next year, I was dressed in the perfect white wedding dress and all of my Jedson Summer Camp friends were my bridesmaids. Lexie was the maid of honor. Kayleigh, Ella, Haley, Addie, Ellie, and Andrea were my bridesmaids. They were all dressed in beautiful bridesmaid dresses. Can you guess the color?

Light purple.

The groomsmen wore blue ties. Yes, they didn't match the bridesmaids, but we knew why they didn't.

Riley and I said I do and we lived happily ever after. Who would've thought that I was marrying my boyfriend from fifth grade?

Kayleigh and her man, Wyatt, got married two years after Riley and I did. I was a bridesmaid like she promised me. I also ended up being a bridesmaid in Addie's wedding four years after Riley and I's wedding. I didn't know the groom, but we could all tell he and Addie were madly in love just by looking at them.

Babies? Riley and I had two. One little girl, Lexie, and one little boy, Devin. Lexie cried enough happy tears to fill five water bottles when I told her that I wanted to name my little girl after her.

Guess who else got married?

My mother.

The year that I graduated college, she and a nice man started dating. He asked me for my permission to propose to my mother and I gladly gave it to him. Even though I had a stepfather now, I still went very often to visit my father at the cemetery. No one could ever replace my daddy. 

Riley was as great of a father as mine was to me. It just made me love him so much more. My daughter, Lexie, looked a lot like him with her dirty blonde hair but she had my brown eyes. Devin, our son, has my brown hair and brown eyes. Riley and I made two beautiful children together. 

Alex and Lexie tied the knot and then had one son, Jake. Kayleigh and Wyatt had a daughter, Ashlynn. Addie and her man chose to not have children and instead have three dogs. 

Brady started dating Ellie again. They're engaged now. As for Andrea, she is dating someone that none of us know. 

And this is it. That's everything that has happened. If you had asked me on my first day of arriving at Jedson Summer Camp, I would have never thought that one summer could change my entire life. But it did, and I couldn't be happier.

These next two words are going to be hard to say:

The End.

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