Chapter 3: Make It Rain

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I shot up straight in bed, I was covered in sweat and breathing heavly. I looked all around me, trying to get some sense of where I was. I let out a relieved sight as I realised that I was in my bedroom. Maybe it was a dream. I mean really what's the chance of a bloody guy with stab wounds coming to my little hidden bungalow- especially since I acted so calm.

I look over to my clock on the counter to see 7:35, I've got a little over one hour to get to work. I rubbed my eyes quickly standing up. I felt cool air surround my body, making me shiver as the cold wind wrapped itself around my body. I look down on the floor and grabbed my fluffy robe covering my body and bring warm.

I took a deep breath and open the door. I looked left and right. Everything seemed to me normal. Like a ninja I rolled on the ground until I hit the chair. The moment of truth. I peeked over the back of the chair to see... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There was no bloody towels, rags or a bandaged man sleeping in the chair. My house was actually cleaner than I remembered. Everything was set in place to perfection. I shrugged my shoulders and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. That was one of the weirdest dream I've ever had.

Seeing my fridge was as scarce as a dessert except for a bottle of milk that laid in the door handle, I decided to make cereal. I grabbed the milk then grabbed a box of Lucky Charms from the cupboard. It shakes it feeling the lack of weight. When did I eat almost the entire box. I poured the milk in the bowl then sprinkled some Lucky Charms. A sugary goodness filled breakfast for my sweet stomach. Just as I was about to put a spoon of deliciously goodness in my mouth, I saw a stack of hundreds on my table with a letter attached to the top. The spoon dropped from my hand as I squinted at the money.

It took me a good five minutes to realise how much money

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It took me a good five minutes to realise how much money. There was five pack of money neatly wrapped in little slashes of paper saying '1K'.My mouth dropped open waiting for a fly to just swim through my throat and choke me.

Five-mother-fucking-thousand dollars. I was expecting at most a couple tens, even a few coins, but thousands. My hand shakily picked up the note attached to my happiness.

'Thanks for being my sexy nurse for a night. This money is for the medical bill, couch and breakfast- I practically ate the entire box of Lucky Charms. It was sweet. Spend it well красивый.(Beautiful)

P.S. I may be coming back soon with some more bullet holes so keep your door open;)'

A large smile spread across my face. If I knew a couple stitches on my crusty sofa and a box of cereal would get me five thousand dollars I would do it every flipping day. I squealed and threw a stack of money in the air- but not high enough for me to lose any.

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