Chapter 11: Supermarket

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Like clockwork, my eye fluttered open at 5 am on the dot. With a large yawn, I readied my mind to start tge day. Today wasn't going to be eventful. Work out, train, eat, respond on any business email and sight or reject deals. Nothing exerting, which is good. Although I could take a lot, my body was wearing down. New wounds were added to my already full collection every day with only a few hours to heal before I was back out again. If I didn't take a day to myself I was sure to fail the next job and I couldn't allow that.

The work I chose to do in the mafia, oppose to my brother's judgement, was life or death. One wrong move and I was dead. He wanted me to just work with him dealing with the day to say running of our legal and illegal companies. Instead I was a part time hired assassin and tycoon along aside him. It was boring being cramped of in an office with a computer, going to meeting after meeting all day . I rather the thrill of taking the life if a traitor.

Fuck it, I don't have to work out today. I would stay in bed for once.... with Raielle. 'No one is running after you to do train so stay your ass in bed. O e day wont kill you',  she would always tell me, before coming to join me a hour later as if by force. I smiled at the memory. For only a month with her she had a big impact on my life. But I couldn't allow that to happen much longer.

My eyebrow raised, as I realised something important in that scenario unusual. My body was bare with no extra weight. No head on my bare chest with thick mane like a river streaming over it, even though she tied her hair before she slept ever night.  No arm and legs snaked around my body like knot, pulling me closer that I've ever been to anyone. She was a bad sleeper but I've been so used to it for the past month. It became my norm.

Rolling over in our disorganised sheets, I blindly tapped the bed in the darkness of the room. Fully expecting to feel the disheveled, brown curls scattered across the pillow or her smooth slender body spread on over bed, but there was nothing. Maybe she went to the kitchen for her "early morning" snack which was a full course meal.

My heart jumped out my chest as I heard a deep raspy voice come from downstairs, followed my a loud screech. I quickly grabbed on to the gun tucked on the pillow and quickly   but quietly made my way down stairs. I was about to bust through the kitchen before I heard a familiar aggrating voice and Raielles giggles.

"Really, I didn't know that." She said, her finger toying with a strand of her hair.

He leaned back on the chair with his long legs spread out in front of him. "Well Storm's a shell of no emotion but I know for that he'll tell you what you want to hear just to get you in bed." He told her, looking her up and down. He stopped at her breast that was barely hidden in that white lace nighty see had on. I raised an eyebrow why didn't she cover up when he came in the house.

"Oh, so he's a real player." She purred, leaning closer to him.

He licked his chapped lips. "I guess, but I can definitely tell you I have more game." He flirted, with a wink.

She giggled. "Well I look forward to seeing you play." She teased back, nauseating  me.

He smirked smugly grabbing her hand before placing his of kiss on it. It pain me not to let go a bullet in his head.  "I'll make sure to win. A beautiful trophy is at stake."

She giggled again. "Me beautiful?" I knew she loved hearing that, noticing she was unnessarily self conscious about her looks. Like how she would look down if you stared at her.

"Undeniably gorgeous and unique." He purged looking into her multi coloured eyes.

She but her lip and moved closer to him with an amused look on her face. "I can show you how unique I can be if you wan-" I cleared my throat to announce my presence causing her to jump. "Hey Stor-"

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