Chapter 36: New Beginnings (Epilogue)

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{5 months later}

My eyes snapped open hearing my bedroom door slowly creak open. I swiftly searched for the gun under my pillow, cautiously watching the door. A loud sigh left my mouth when I saw Demyan peak his big head through the gap. "What do want?" I asked, looking at him with distaste. I've been Demyan's kids for the past 5 days while him and Kat went on a little  real and I was tired as hell.

Demyan smiled seeing the sight in front of him. His kids all laying in their uncle's chest. "Can I speak to you privately?" He whispered, careful not to wake anyone up.

With a frustrated growl, I moved the kids away from me and placed them in Raielle's arms, before getting up to meet him. I gently closed the door making sure Raielle and those devils didn't wake up. "What!" I hissed.

He cleared his throat, gis smile fallimg from his face. "I'm leaving." He declared. 

I yawned, nodding. "Good for you." I said, nonchantly. "I didn't know I had to know your every moment."

He sighed. "No, I mean I'm leaving. I'm leaving the company and the mafia." He clarified.

I raised an eyebrow. "You can't just leave the mafia. They'll kill you." I reminded him. People in the mafia was known to be renowned and establish in the world of business. Therefore, if world got out that they were involved in illegal activities they'll be ruined, everything they work for gone. So to decrease the probability of that occuring you kill whoever tried to leave.

"Okay fine, I'm not leaving the mafia, but I won't be apart of it as much." He restated. "I'm giving majority of my shares to you."

I frowned, more shares meant more work for me. "What you doing with the rest?" I quizzed.

"I'm keeping it. I'm still trying to make some money."

I nodded in understanding. Although he had plenty of money to keep him going for years to come, he still had to be apart of something in the mafia to prove he didn't go AWOL. "Why now?" I questioned curiously.

"I've got kids to focus on. He answered, with a small smile on his face.

I huffed in amusement. "You've always had kids to focus on." I reminded him. I know this little stunt of his won't last. He was like our father loved the idea of having kids but when they got them they couldn't commit for shit. Unlike or father Demyan didn't take his anger out on his children.

He glared at me. "Well I'm ready to put them first now and I'm 30. I want live a life away from the mafia before I get old and grey." He countered. I rolled eyes, he wasn't the youngest at 30 but it's not like he's picking out a new hips.

I nodded and grabbed onto my door handle. "You can start now and get all three of them out my bed." I suggested, slightly opening the door.

He laughed nervously. "I will...... tomorrow, but for now business." He deflected.

I rolled my eyes. "Let me get this straight. You want to decrease your duties and increase mime in both the mafia and the 'legal' business, because you feel like you are getting old and finally realise you have children ." I summarised.

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