Chapter 23: Confused

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"Are you fucking stupid!" He exclaimed. "Why the hell did you think it's okay to be that club." He walked forwards stomping towards Kats direction, rudely bargin Datura out the way. "You should know better that that! You were raised in the fucking cartel."

My heart dropped when I glanced to where Demyan was preciously standing. When our eyes locked between the arguing couple, the soft expression that I would of have had weeks ago from seeing this amazingly beautiful beast of a man have evaporated. Instead, it was meant a cold, hurt gaze. His was similar, his face was stoic and gave away no emotion, which slightly pissed me off, as he eyes swept down my naked body and back to my eyes. He held my gaze refusing to look away. Even when Datura pulled his arm for his attention he didn't look at her, just me, never blinking. He shrugged her off him roughly and took a step towards my direction, to which I took a shaky step back. He paused seeing my retreat. We continued to stare at each other droning out Demyan's and Kat's argument.

"I was hir-"

He kissed his teeth loudly. "You know damn well that no one hired you Katrina." He argued.

She let out a loud breath of air, throwing her hand up in surrender. "I was angry okay. They killed my cousins and non of my family was going anything." She revealed, as a tear rolled down her eyes.

He nodded in understanding. "For good reason. Those three bastards are protected by important people." He said, pulling her a closer to him.

She pushed him away not wanting his comfort. "I don't care if they were protected by the fucking Avengers! No one fucks with my family Demyan." She retorted. "You would know if you had enough heart in you to muster an ounce of feelings."

He sighed "Not everything has to be about revenge Kat." He challenged.

"Fuck off Demyan." She cussed, poking his chest. "You kill people for a fucking living for dumb ass shit. You can't tell m-"

"Yes, but the people I kill aren't usually protected by a bunch mafia families." He interjected. "You've just created a fucking war. The Russians are already hated as it fucking is, now you got us into this. "

She turned away from him. "No one asked you to come save me." She muttered.

"You could have even murdered." He said softly. They were so hit and cold it was baffling.

She brought back her eyes to his. "The only reason you don't want me to die is because you would have to look after the kids and you couldn't bare the thought of spending more than an hour a week with them." She challenged. "Don't worry I'll arrange someone else for them."

He face dropped into a deeper frown. "That's not tr-"

She shook her head. "I can't believe I'm having a fucking next one by your dumb ass." She declared, eyes widening as soon as she realised what she said.

He paused for a second glancing down at her stomach which was raised. "Another one!" He exclaimed.

"Forget it." She said dismissively. "Just send me money like you always do. My children and I well be okay." With that she walked around him and headed for the door.

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