Chapter 16: Heart-broken

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"Raielle!" Kat screamed in disbelief, pulling me into a lung puncturing hug. Tears flooded her eyes as she grabbed my face as if inspecting it was really me. "Where the hell have you been bitch! I've been trying to contact you for a whole month and a half." She sobbed out, swetting the shoulder of my robe with her tears .

"I don't have a phone and when I tried to call you your number kept disconnecting." I explained returning the much needed hug.

She pulled away from me and placed her hand on my cheeks. "That's my fault, I had to get a new phone, so my number changed. But I'm so glad you're alright." She cried. "I thought that guy you left with killed you or something and the fact that your house was burnt down. I had everybody looking for you." My heart broke. While I was having the time if my life with Storm she was out here looking for me. What kind of friend was I? I was so focused on Storm I lost sight of trying to contact her.

I smiled sadly. "I'm sorry just needed a break." I lied, pulling away from her. I would still be on the break if that jackass didn't dump me.

"Well you going to have a long break, because everyone things you're dead. You had me thinking you were dead." I raised an eyebrow in silence confusion. "We had a funeral and everything." She informed me.

"For real?" I asked more nonchalantly that anyone else would at this information. My body was just rundown. I just wanted to rest, before I could get back to my vibrant self.

She nodded. "They found untraceable remaims of a body from the rubble of your house. The results showed it was a female." She explained. "Since you never been to a hospital or anything they didn't have your prints and neither did the person, so they assumed it was you."

"Yes they do. The times we went to the police station and they took our prints." I challenged.

She scoffed. "First of all, my family will never allow my prints to be in the system, so they destroyed everything that has to do with me. The only times you went to jail was with me, therefore no trace." She corrected me. "Plus as I said the girl was burnt to crisp. Nothing was traceable."

"So I'm dead." I said flatly. She nodded. "That's awesome."

She pushed my arm lightly, making me stumble a bit. "I hate your creepy ass." She laughed dispute the salty tears still running from her yes.

I smiled. "Love you too."

"I really missed you, you know." She wrapped her arms around me again. "Are you sure you just went away?" She asked.

"Nothing happened." I assured her. I didn't want to think about Storm right now. She looked at me it disbelief. "I promise."

She hummed, looking at me up and down. "I don't believe you." She declared. "You look like you've been crying, your neck is all red and bruised and you come to my house with just a robe. Who the fuck did that y-"

I lifed hand, indicating to her to stop. "Can we talk later. I'm tired so..." Tears began to fill my eyes as I placed my hand on my neck. That fucking loser.

She nodded reluctantly. "Well you can stay here, get yourself comfortable." She offered. "You know where the spare rooms are. The kids are with their Tìo Leo so you should have a peaceful night."

I smiled weakly. "Thank you." I muttered quietly. I felt a vibration in my boob so I looked down to see Storms phone tucked into my bra. As memories of Storm flooded my mind, the salty tears left my eyes quicker. Why am I even crying? I've only know the guy for less that two months. He's not worth it, it I could stop the flood bursting from my eyes.

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