Chapter 34: Aftermath

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I reached out the window and pressed the buzzer waiting for someone to let us in. I raised an eyebrow when the large black gates in front of us didn't open immediately. I reached out and pressed it again. We waited again but the gates remained locked.

"Open the fucking gate!" I yelled into the speaker. I continued to pressed the buzzer yet nothing changed. Sensing my annoyance, with a large sigh Demyan got out the car and walked over to the gate. He dug into his jacket pocket until he gound his stack of keys. He pressed the 6 different keys into the 6 different holes, typed the code and scanned his retina. When the machine beeped green he raised the drop bolts before pulling the two giant gate opened.

With that down, I pressed the accelator and drove through the gates. Demyan quickly jumped in and we made our way up the long drive way. "Where is everyone?" Reno asked, seeing none of the guards positioned at their stations along side the paths. My heart began to pound heavily in my chest as my mind generated a mirage of different scenarios of Riaells dead. I swear to god if anything happens to her I will go crazy.

When we got the the house, we could see that the door was wide opened, but a single soul in front of it. "Reno stay in the car with these two if you here anything drive and get somewhere safe." Demyan ordered, opening the car door. I looked back at the two sleeping children, the girl leaningon Reno.

Reno cleared his throat. "Who is going to look after your kids if both you and Kat dies, because I know Storm won't and I'm not trying to be a father figure to no one. That's why I stick my dîçk is asses not pussies." He declared.

Demyan grimanced. "Take them to Giana or their Tìo." He answered.

Reno smiled. "Roger that boss."

"Lets go." Demyan said, before slamming the car soor shut. I pulled the key out the ignition and threw it to Reno. Cautiously, we made out way our way to the front door, gun held tightly in my hand. "What the hell happened here." Demyan gasped, saying the state of the house. The grey marble floor was almost unseen as it was piled high with bodies, blood, scattered paper, broken wood from chairs, glass from the coffee the table, cabinets and windows. All the chairs where turned upside down, splattered with blood and bullets holes shot through them. Crimson soaked feathers from the chairs and pillow acted as a carpet as it laid on the floor. The large flat screen T.V laid on the pile of wood, with cracks and holes all over its surface. Even the walls were damaged, with multiple holes engraved on it. "Kat!" Demyan yelled panicked, stepping further into the house. Echoing crackles followed him as he crushed the broken class. My eyes scanned the bodies, praying Raielle was not one of them.

"I'm going to text the warehouse for back up and the clean crew." I said, taking out my phone and sending a few codes to my men to come my Demyan's house now.

We were put to a sudden halt when a bullet closely flew pass our head and into the wall behind us. Our guns quickly went up, hand on the trigger ready to kill these fuckers. "Storm! You're back!" The voice I was hoping to hear screeched, her eyes sparkling as she saw me.

A long, relieved sigh left my lips as I saw her walk out fron the corner. I put down my gun, a smile spreading across my face as I saw the state of her. Her hair was barely combed back into a messy ponytail, with blood clumped within it and was smeared across her cheeks and forehead. With her tank top and vest were ripped and caked with dried blood and glass.

She dropped all her guns and ran towards me, wrapping her hands and legs around me. My arms circled around her and pulled her close. My lips enclosed on hers and the world fell away. Our lips moved slow and soft against each other as we soaked in the moment.

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