Chapter 33: Home Invasion

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"As soon as you exit the basement I'll cut the lights and then you go ham." Kat told me me through the ear piece. "There will be seven men standing near the door when you get out. Three straight ahead, two to the left and two to the right." She continued. I nodded to myself, taking in the information. "Datura is hiding between the bookshelf and wall two rooms away, taking men out silently.  But I mean you can 'accidentally' when you get there." She suggested.

I laughed. "As nice as that sounds I don't want to kill the girl." I said, lightly walking towards the basement door. I could hear shouting and gunshots echo from upstairs, indication Datura was keeping them on high alert.  

She huffed. "Suit yourself but I say do it while you have the chance."

I shook my head in amusement. The thought is definitely resonating with me. "Okay I'm about to open the door now." I told her, holding onto the door handle. I heard her groan out in pain making me pause. "Are you okay?" I questioned worriedly. 

"Yeah, the contractions are just getting a little closer now." She replied. "I'm okay though, you don't have to come back." She assured me. Clearing her throat, she went back to task at hand. "As soon as you open just let the bullets fly girl. All their backs are to you so it shouldn't be hard to take them down without getting shoot yourself."

"Roger that." I concurred. Just as she said, as soon as I opened the door the lights switched off and loud yells were heard. Their bodies began to glow a bright red and bullets began to  spray in their directions. I pressed down the triggers and let bullets go like a mad women, talking them down before they even had a chance to turn around and defend themselves. I could feel little drizzled of their blood land on me as shot after shot entered their body.

A few went down with their finger on the trigger causing bullets to fly up into the walls and ceiling as the went down, making glass and other materials scatter to the ground. I took a shakey breath as I took my fingers off the triggers and watched their bodies laying in the floor. Being precautions, I dropped the empty guns and took out two semi-automatic glock from my holsters and put two bullet holes in each of their heads to make sure they were dead and stayed dead. I didn't want another round of what happened at the warehous, with me assuming the people I shoot was dead and ended up getting groped and almost killed.  "That was cold blooded." Kat sung in my ears.

"Which way should I go?" I asked, hearing the loud thudding of boots coming my way.

"Alright, move to the cabinet on your right and just stand there. There's about six coming your way so be ready." I quickly reloaded my guns and pointed. "Shoot!" Kat screeched in my ears. I did as told and unleashed the roar of bullets yet again. I heard the loud thumping of the men falling onto the wooden floor.

"Are they all down?" I asked Kat, as I jammed my body back onto the cabinet.

"Yeah they are on the floor." She replied. With a loud exhale I walked up to them and again put a bullet through each of their head.

"Jesus, what has Storm turned you into." She muttered, watching me kill the men execution style.

"It wasn't Storm. I mean he improved my skill sets but it was those creeps at the warehouse." I corrected. "When you don't make sure they're dead they find a way to come back to life." I muttered, reminiscing of the weeks we spent at that cold basement.

"I get what you mean. I still dream of those nights. You had it way worst than me." She mumbled. "Behind you!" She shrieked in my ears.

Before I could react, a pair of arms wrapped placing me into a choke hole. "I've got one boss!" The man yell. I struggled to get out his grip as my air deprived lungs screamed. With all my might I bent forward, causing the guy to fall toward over my body. I grabbed one of his hand and twisted it, allowing a statisying pop as his shoulder dislocated. He yelled in pain, squirming on the floor.

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